28 April 2012

Saturday Sayings

Wow!  Our month of Saturday Sayings is almost over....this is our last installment.  I hope that you have enjoyed this partnership with Tammy from Forever in 1st, Julie from Lighting a Fire in Third, and Sandi from Literacy Minute as much as I have.  Please be sure to go read their reflective posts today after reading mine.  :)  And, I have a surprise announcement at the end of my post today!

 We just finished up a long season of testing at our school this week.  The talk in the halls and workroom from teachers is that they are stressed out and the kids are stressed out.  Everyone is feeling the pressure put upon them by the all important "test".  Anyone else feeling that way in your school?  Our school takes the MAP for grades 3-5 and Standford for grades 1-2.  The pressure seems to be tremendous on both students and teachers.  I know administrators feel it too.  They are always looking for ways to raise those scores. But for me, the answer is not in a program.  Anyone who knows me as a teacher knows that I am not a fan of programs.  Too much of a one size fits all to fit me and my students.  What I am a fan of is good, solid teaching methods with real and authentic reading and writing.  I like being able to adjust to my students needs at that moment that they need it.  This does take a lot of reading of professional books to find out what works, learning from professional and mentor teachers, and a lot of reflecting of myself on what I am doing and how to improve it for the next time.  I do have to take a lot of time for planning and analyzing of my students too. But this is something that I truly believe in and what works for me.  What is working for you in your school?  I would love to hear about it!

And now for my announcement... I am so excited to share this news with you!  Tammy was awarded Teacher of the Year at her school!!!  They made the right choice when they chose her for this honor.  Now that you have read my post (and hopefully left me a comment), go on over and congratulate her for all her hard work!!


  1. I agree with you! We use some programs, like Handwriting Without Tears, but they do not take the place of instruction. I think that is why I like the Balanced Literacy approach so much. I can focus on what children need.
    Way to go Tammy! I am so happy for her!
    I have enjoyed sharing ideas with all of you this month!
    Literacy Minute

  2. Lori, I agree with your teaching philosophy. I spend lots of time reading professional books, researching best practices, and evaluating my teaching strategies. I've been teaching for 26 years and still am looking for ways to improve what I do. Thanks for sharing!
    Connie :)

  3. I couldn't agree with you more! Program after program after program until we don't even know which way is up! Solid instructional practice, a great "toolkit" of resources and mentor teachers make so much more sense to me!
    Light A Fire in Third

  4. Bravo! I'm loving every word. Programs don't teach. Teacher teach. I feel at home when I'm here on your blog. Thank you for joining me this month on Saturdays. I've loved everything you've shared. (Thank you for the sweet pat on the back. That was very thoughtful of you!)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  5. Sandi, I have enjoyed doing this each Saturday with you too!

  6. Connie, I think we think alike! This is my 22nd year and when I don't have that fire to learn more and to be a better teacher it will be time for me to go!

  7. Julie, I have enjoyed each Saturday with you also! It went by fast!

  8. Thanks Tammy for letting us do this with you! And you deserve that pat on the back! Congrats to you!

  9. I agree with your thoughts on testing!!! I am shocked that they test first and second grade! I hope the teachers in your building are not teaching to the test!! Great post! Melissa

  10. Melissa, thank you for your comment! It is a shame that the students feel such pressure at a young age.
