13 May 2012

Sharks, Dinos, and Cinquain Poems

We have just finished up our cinquain poems to go with our books about sharks and dinosaurs.  After reading and learning about sharks and reading about the dinosaur in a Danny and the Dinosaur book, we started examining cinquain word poems to see what we could notice about them.

I decided we would do word cinquain poems rather than cinquains based on syllables.  I wrote this one and put it on the Smartboard for the students to examine.  We eventually got to the place where we saw that there was one word in the first line, 2 words on the second line, 3 words in the third, and 4 in the fourth.  We also noticed the line 3 words ended in ing.  I also wanted them to see that the first and last line were one word titles.  They thought this was all just a pretty neat set up!

After we read a few poems and got used to the way they were written, we tried our hand at writing a few in small groups.

To make it a little more manageable, the students were each given their own rough draft form to help them remember the pattern when they drafted their poems.

I am very proud of these little guys and the thoughts they came up with for their poems!  These are the students' words, I just typed them for them for time's sake.

I found the super cute shark pattern on Pinterest!  Happy Home Fairy posted the pattern and then we used it to display our poems.    It is quite a process of introducing and seeing what we notice, writing together, then writing on our own with some guidance.  But that is a method that I find truly works!  What types of poems did your class write for April?


  1. The sharks are just so cute!

    Lori (luvyorkies@gmail.com)
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  2. Those are cute. Regie would be proud. "I do. We do. We do. We do. You do." It works and here's proof.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. I love the sharks. Next year during our oceans unit I definitely want to incorporate this. We are working on Cinquain poems tomorrow and love seeing what you did.

    Sweet Seconds

  4. I agree, Tammy, it is the best way to teach. :)

  5. I would love to see your poems, Brittany, if you post about them!

  6. Your students did an excellent job writing their cinquains. I bet they loved writing about sharks and dinosaurs!

  7. Connie, I appreciate that! They did enjoy these two subjects so much.

  8. Your sharks are simply ADORABLE!!! Your students are quite the poets!


  9. I love the sharks! I also liked the form you had them use for their rough draft to get them started. Great idea =)

    The Daily Cupcake…A Kindergarten Blog

  10. Thank you so much, Michelle! We enjoyed writing the poems and putting together the sharks. :)

  11. Bobbie, the form helped them so much to remember what each line was for. It was easy to make too!

  12. Those sharks are to die for! Those are paper plates for teeth, right? I just found your site and started following you. Stop by and visit mine sometime :)
    Stories by Storie

  13. Awww, thank you Storie! I did use paper plates for the teeth. Thanks so much for stopping by and following. I am heading to your blog right now!

  14. In the Netherlands we call this kind of poem 'elfje' (which means 'little eleven', you can guess why :-))
