01 June 2012

You Know It's Summer Vacation When...

How do you know when it's summer?  

Do you sleep in every day?  
Do you have time to read something other than professional books?  
Maybe your alarm clock gathers dust as you sleep in every day!  

My husband always said he knew it was summer time because I always spent more money during the summer than I did during the school year.  You know, traveling, White Water, shopping, baseball games, sports camps, etc.... All of the fun stuff!!

Go to Jeannie's blog:  Kindergarten Lifestyle and see all of the other You Know When It's Summer Vacation ideas.  Lots of fun ideas!!


  1. I was so totally trying to think of how to word this same idea when I joined the linky party. I couldn't come up with a way, so I gave up. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. oh my gosh Lori - that is me. The other day I was talking to my husband and he was saying at least we don't have to pay daycare for my 4 year old during the summer and I don't have gas money to go to work.....and I was thinking - oh my - he really has no idea how much I spend during the summer taking the kids place and getting my room ready for next year.....

    I guess what he doesn't know can't hurt him, right?

  3. That is so true!! Shopping for the new school year is one of my favorite summer acitivities!! ;)
    Curls and a Smile

  4. hahahah! You hit the nail on the head!

  5. Omg, I am so guilty of this!! But I love having more time to shop:))

    Surfin' Through Second

  6. Guilty! But I blame it purely on having all the extra time TO shop!! :)

    ❤ - Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  7. Oh yes! That is so true!! I get so bored during the summer that there is nothing else to do but spend money! :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  8. Lori, you are soooo right. My husband used to say that all the time when I worked full-time.
    LMN Tree

  9. Oh yeah, I tend to do that, too. Only for me it's books:)

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  10. Yup . . . I hear ya. And, the worst part is that those checks have got to last you all summer long. Yikes!

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  11. That's funny, Tammy! We think alike!

  12. Jeannie, my husband thought the same thing- should be cheaper in the summer without all the normal expenses. But he wasn't figuring in all the fun we were going to go have!

  13. Mrs. Morgart, planning and shopping for the new year are so much fun!

  14. Thanks Miss Kindergarten! It is definitely true for me!

  15. Corrina, I love having that extra time to shop too!

  16. Stephanie, shopping IS so much fun!

  17. Lisa, I took our boys everywhere and we had so much fun they didn't have much time for being bored!

  18. So true isn't it, Beth Ann? :)

  19. Arlene, my husband just couldn't believe how much more the summers cost than the regular school year! :)

  20. Barbara, I love books so much too! But that is a year round expense for me! :)

  21. I know, Kelley, hard to stretch those checks out! I think they should just automatically make them more for the summer time!

  22. I think I'm Amazon's favorite customer right now! Too many books on my summer reading list. I also spend too much on getting my room ready-I swear I won't buy anything else and then there's this great bargain..... :)


  23. I totally understand this way of thinking Miss Trayers! :)

  24. I spend more money on Sonic! And stocking up for a new year!

    Thanks for checking out my new blog!

    Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten

  25. Greg, I like to eat out too! Thanks for coming by!
