09 September 2012

Reading Goals: Being Intentional

Reading Goal Forms

I believe in being intentional.  The students who come to me for help in reading need to be intentional about their learning.  But we do not say that they are in my room because they cannot read.  

But there is no reason why we can't discuss how we can improve in reading.  I always throw myself into the mix when we talk about improving as a reader.  I want my students to know and more importantly to feel that everyone has areas they can improve on.  Sometimes they already feel like they are not as good as some of their classmates.  No need to drive that point home.

I have found that sometimes students are good at figuring out what they can improve on in reading.  But what they will do to improve and how will they know they have improved is a little more of a stretch for them to reason out.  

We brainstormed things that most readers do and then I let them pick the goal they thought would best fit them.  Then we discussed things they could do to try to reach that goal and then finally how they would know they met their goal.  

Reading goals forms

Reading Goal Forms

I made a reading goal too.  I wanted to model for my students that all of us can improve and no one knows everything!  We will be posting these goals in our room so that we can continue to be intentional about our reading. 

Forms for setting reading goals

One of three forms included in the packet.

If you would like these reading goals so your students can be intentional about their reading, click here or on the picture below to be taken to my store.  They are FREE and you get all 3 versions.  I hope you and your students enjoy being more intentional about setting reading goals.  :)

Being intentional by setting reading goals

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
Join Lisa over at Learning is Something to Treasure for her flashback freebie! Click on her button above to find some fabulous freebies!


  1. We talk about reading goals briefly. I love that you've taken it a few steps further with your kids and that you have a goal as well. With you as their teacher, there's no doubt that they'll be making progress and meeting those goals.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. I'm going to use this in my home school! Thanks! My kids love it when they accomplish goals!

  3. Love the idea of giving students reading goals. I'm just starting out as a reading specialist and will be getting students very soon. We'll have to do this!!

    Don't Let The Teacher Stay Up Late

  4. I'm super excited to have found your blog! I found it while hopping around...think I saw your comment on The Hands-On Teacher's blog!

    Smiles and best wishes! Would love for you to stop by my blog if you get a chance!

    Growing Firsties

  5. I'm very impressed with your outstanding organization!!

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  6. I truly appreciate the kind words you always leave for me, Tammy! Thank you for that!!

  7. That sounds great, notsofarapart! Good luck to your children as they work to reach their goals!

  8. Thanks Melissa! Good luck as you begin as a reading specialist. You will love it even with all of it's challenges!

  9. Thank you so much, Lisa!! I will definitely come by and see your blog!

  10. Thanks Barbara! I have too many students to be able to survive without organization. :)
