28 April 2013

RTI Visual Lessons and Resources

visual lesson plans

We are starting to see the light at the end of the RTI tunnel!  My third grader in Tier III and my first grade group in Tier II have been working hard and making progress.  By learning sight words, improving our phonics skills, and making our reading sound like talking we are improving fluency.  

This week we will need some work on automatically recognizing sounds in words.  So we will be doing some word sorts to help this out.  My third grader needs some work with bossy r words and double vowel teams.  

The first grade group will work on short vowels and long vowels.  It still trips them up a bit on switching out vowel sounds.

visual lesson plans and resources

These are some of the resources that I will use this week to help my groups  increase their reading skills.  Click on the picture to download my plans and to be able to click on the resources.  

This week is another assessment week for me.  Our state assessment is winding down this week.  But I am doing reading assessments and I hope to be finished soon.  I will tell you more about the assessments we use on Wednesday!

Thank you again, Deedee, for having this visual plans linky!!  It is so fun to see what everyone is teaching each week and to be able to take a look into everyone's plans.  I love that!


  1. I love that you know exactly where your kids are at, and that's an accomplishment considering how many you serve.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Your plans look great! I was wondering what your keeping track of data looks like or tips you might have.

    :0) Gwen

  3. Thank you Tammy! There are quite a few students to keep track of. :)

  4. Thank you Gwen! We keep track of our data on graphs. We make a goal line and then plot each week's data from weekly progress monitoring on to the graph. This link shows an example of what our graph looks like: http://www.conversationsinliteracy.blogspot.com/2012/06/rti-tiers-2-3.html

  5. hi! Loving your stuff :) Clicking on the pictures above dont lead me to your lesson plans like your post said... Is there something I am missing?!
