24 May 2013

5 For Friday- It's Summer Vacation!

As of 12:15 on Tuesday, I am on summer vacation!!  Whoo hoo!!  But before I get too excited, I need to remind myself that summer school starts next week.  Next week??  That is not much of a vacation!  But summer school is only 19 days.  I can do 19 days, right?

To celebrate being on summer vacation, I thought it would be a great time to join Doodle Bugs Five for Friday.  Go link up after reading my post, by clicking on the picture above.  So much fun to take a peek into everyone's week!

Monday was our huge RtI Decision Meeting.  It is a long day full of decision making on each student in our RtI.  I had taken this load of files home to work on to be ready.  I will post about our meeting this Sunday if you are interested in how our decision meetings go.  :)

After Monday's long day, Tuesday was easy.  Especially that it was our last day and it was a half day.  Now that I am on vacation, I have time for this chair!  I like to sit out on my back patio and see the beautiful trees.  It is so peaceful out there.  Great way to begin the day!

It was barbecue time today!  Actually this isn't the first time.  I love to grill!!  Yummy, yummy pork loin tonight!

Look what I got in the mail today!!!  I am so excited...it is my grandma's cookbook.  My grandma passed away 6 years ago.  My uncle decided to mail me this.  Grandma was born in 1913 and got married in 1937.  This cookbook was copyrighted in 1939! And as you can see, she used it all those years.  She has written recipes ALL over it and taped many inside of it.  As I looked through this treasured book, I remembered many of the recipes as things she made when I was younger.  What a keepsake!!  I had no idea my uncle was sending it to me- fabulous surprise!

And finally, my summer reading list-  I love to read and usually have a few books going.  I read the Bible daily, then I also have a book just for fun and usually a professional read.  I just finished Killing Lincoln.  Great book!  Our librarian got me started on that one and now I want to read Killing Kennedy.  I just started Unbroken and it is really good too.  I feel like I need to read as quickly as I can to get in all the books I would like to!

Now, go join up and tell us about your 5 for this week!!


  1. I will definitely be coming back on Sunday to read about your RTI meetings- I always wonder how other schools run such things!
    Happy summer!
    Learning to the Core

  2. Yay for summer! Definitely enjoy the few days off before summer school! I start summer school the same week I end! Have an awesome weekend!

    Lucky to Be in First

  3. That was so sweet that you got your grandma's cookbook! How special!
    ideas by jivey
    Follow Me On Facebook! :)

  4. Your grandma's cookbook looks so special. What a wonderful gift. My son just started keeping his own cookbook. I think it's great for writing practice. I wonder if it will every be as awesome as your grandma's?

  5. That cookbook is such a wonderful surprise. I hope you are able to plan many memorable meals with it.
    Enjoy your summer break.

    School Is a Happy Place

  6. Love the cookbook! That is so sweet your uncle sent it to you!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten

  7. What a treasure that cookbook must be. I bet it does indeed bring back many wonderful memories. (I need to read Lucy's Pathways.)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  8. What a gorgeous view you have! Brilliant place to enjoy your summer reading!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

  9. Hooray for summer - and I have the same chair on my back deck! Love sitting out there while the hummingbirds zip around! Wishing you a relaxing summer break!
    Whimsy Workshop

  10. Your grandma's cookbook made me shed a tear. That is just so special!!!

    I, too, have started working through Pathways...it's a deep read...she's incredible.

    Love this post, Lori!
    Have you entered the Mystery Box Giveaway?

  11. Wow, what a memorable keepsake. I love cookbooks, my kitchen is filled with them, but I hate to cook, lol! Your books look great. I have started on my summer reading too ;)

    Corinna (✿◠‿◠)
    Surfin' Through Second

  12. Thanks Aylin! I like to check out how other schools do these things too so I can see if we can tweak ours and become better at what we are doing. :)

  13. Oh my, Molly! I can't believe you start summer school the same week you end regular school. I hope it goes by quickly for you!

  14. I agree, Brandee! I love BBQ and reading too!

  15. Thanks Jivey! I was so surprised to get the cookbook. It is very special to me.

  16. jmommymom, absolutely your son's cookbook will be special! I love that he is keeping a cookbook of his favorites- that is great!!

  17. Thank you A. Monroe! It is for sure a very special book to me!

  18. Thank you, Kimberly Ann! I was not expecting the book so it was big surprise when my uncle sent it to me. Love it!

  19. Tammy, the cookbook brought back so many great memories of my grandma and the get togethers our family has had over the years. Lucy's book is a good one. :)

  20. Thank you Serena! My whole backyard is ringed with wonderful tall trees. So peaceful and a great place to read!

  21. Susanna, that is funny that we have the same deck chairs! They are light and very comfortable. Have a wonderful summer!

  22. Ohh, thanks Lisa!! I am a very traditional person and that cookbook meant a lot to me. I agree, Pathways is not a light read. It is a good book, but one you work through a bit slower. :)

  23. Thank you Corinna!! I like to cook in spurts I guess. I don't so much enjoy daily cooking, but I like cooking something special. Enjoy your summer reading!

  24. What a fabulous gift from your uncle! I love family memories- cheers to your cookin' grandma! :)
    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  25. Have a wonderful vacation! Just came upon your blog through Five for Friday and look forward to stopping back... I am a new follower!

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

  26. Thank you Irene! It certainly means a whole lot to me. Grandma loved fixing special things for her family.

  27. Is that your backyard? It looks like you live beside a golf course.
    Nice :))
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  28. I have the same cookbook with some handwritten recipes and notes in it! What recipes have you enjoyed?

    What I Have Learned

  29. That is our backyard, Barbara. We don't live beside a golf course, but we do live out in the country. :) Thanks!!

  30. Jessica, that is so neat that we have the same cookbook!! I haven't tried any recipes yet. My grandma wrote in a lot of cake recipes. Maybe I should start there! Have you used yours?

  31. Thanks Sarah! It has been a good vacation so far. I visited your blog and left you a comment. :)
