05 May 2013

RTI Intervention Plans & Memory Makers

visual lesson plans

It's visual lesson plan time again!  So thankful to Deedee for the chance to link up with her and share my lesson plans.  Be sure you link up too!

I am down to make ups on absences for first graders in RTI.  And about one more regular week for my third grader.  We are getting close to winding RTI down.  Then it will be time to have our big meeting and look at the data to see if students showed improvement and just how much.

Visual Lesson plans

These are the resources that I will be using for both of my RTI groups.  Click on either picture to download.  In the download there will be links you can click on to be taken directly to that resource.

Memory book

We are winding down the school year fast!  I cannot believe just how quickly this year has gone by.  We will be out in just a few short weeks.  

school year memory book

Now is a great time to do some activities that help your students to look back over their year and that they have done!  This Memory Maker Keepsake Booklet makes a great remembrance of the year and something their parents will want to keep.  Each student can make their own memory book of the school year and record:

2 different book covers- one in color & one black and white
Me & My Personality
My Teacher
My Principal
My Best Buds
My Favorite Book
Happy Birthday
My School
Field Trip Time!
2 Who’s Who in My Class- one with labels and one without
My Favorite Project
All About Me
Special Class Memories
Summer Time!
Future Plans
Letter of Advice to Next Year’s Class
What’s For Lunch?
Letter to My Teacher
Autographs Please

Not only do the students get to record their memories of who their friends were, what they liked to eat for lunch, where they went on their field trip, etc...  I also included some forward looking pages like their future plans- they record what they want to be, how much money they think they will make, where they will live and so forth.  I also included a letter for them to write to give advice to the next group.  Years later when they go back and read these they will get a good laugh at what they were like when they were little!

Click here or click on the Memory Maker picture above to check this activity out if you think your students might love this end of the year memory book!


  1. The year has indeed gone by quickly, and I'm sure you're right. Years from now, they'll love reading the things they wrote about school!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Tammy, the year HAS gone so quickly. I love to go back and read what they wrote years earlier!
