12 May 2013

RTI Reading Intervention Plans and Mother's Day

visual lesson plans

Oh My!  We only have 7 days of school left!!  I have a lot to get done in these 7 school days.  First I still have 3 days of RTI to complete...whew, it has been a long cycle this time.  When students are absent or we miss school for snow days, the RTI days must be made up.  So I have 2 students left to get finished that have had absences.  

Then my youngest son graduates this week!!!  Whoo hooo for him!  It seems that it was just yesterday that he was a little baby.  And now he is graduating.  We have his baccalaureate this week plus his graduation ceremony.  


Tomorrow is Mother's Day!  My family has a lot going on this month so we are celebrating it all tomorrow:  Mother's Day, my youngest's graduation, my oldest son's birthday, my parent's anniversary, and my brother's birthday!  Wow, one big celebration tomorrow!

Next week is our huge, all day long RTI decision meeting.  I have graphs to go over and data to input into data graphs for the team to have.  We use data to drive our decisions on whether students should continue in RTI and on what tier if they continue to stay in it.  I am beginning to feel a bit stressed on how all this will get accomplished!

Okay, now back to RTI...  :)  We will finish up our last cycle on Wednesday.  If you download the plans, the resources I am using are hyperlinked for you so you can find them on TpT.  

Happy Mother's Day to my mom!!  This is her for her senior graduation picture.  Isn't she cute?  Loving those cat-eye glasses!!

I am also joining up with Latoya's Let's Get Acquainted linky.  This week we are answering 3 questions about ourselves:

1.  What made you decide to become a teacher?  I think being a teacher has always been in my blood.  I used to make my little brother play school with me.  I tutored a young boy when I was in high school.  He had some behavior issues that interfered with his learning.  I really enjoyed that.  

2.  What has been your most rewarding experience as a teacher?  Anytime I see start seeing things click for kids and that ahhh haaa moment that the light bulb comes on that they are understanding- I love that!  I also had a student years ago that came to me having trouble reading.  After conferencing with his parents, who were very concerned, we made a plan to help him.  Years later he told his parents that he didn't understand when kids had trouble reading because it was so easy.  They told him how he used to have trouble and how I helped him.  He was shocked and so appreciative to me for helping him.  It is wonderful to hear from students like that years later when they can understand a little better how you have helped them.  

3.  If you were not a teacher, what would you be?  Even though I knew for a long time that I should be a teacher, I thought about other things first.  I always thought it would be so cool to be an astronaut!!  I have always wanted to see what the world would look like from that point of view!  But my heart is in teaching and I can't imagine doing anything else.   


  1. Happy Mother's Day Lori. You have a lot going on these days, so I hope you're able to completely enjoy the day. Knowing you, everything will get done that needs to get done. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Seven days! You lucky gal:)
    Congrats to your son and have a great Mothers Day!

  3. Lori,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! 7 days? Lucky, lucky you!!

    Congrats on your son's graduation! That is always a bittersweet event! Take lots of tissues!!

    The Bomb-Diggity Classroom

  4. Wow, only seven days left. I have almost a month left! State law doesn't allow us to start before Labor Day, so we always go into June.
    Learning in Bliss

  5. 7 days! Wow how exciting! I'm your newest follower :)
    Over the 1st Grade Rainbow

  6. Thanks Tammy! Mother's Day was a great day and I am attempting to get all things done this week. :)

  7. Hope you had a great Mother's Day too Barb!

  8. Thanks Robin! I think graduation will be bittersweet too!

  9. Marcia, some of the schools around here used to start after Labor Day too. Slowly over time that is starting to change.

  10. Laura, the days are going fast! Down from 7 to 2 and half! Thank you for following me. I am off to visit your blog!
