02 July 2013

Goin' on a Blog Hunt!


How are you following your favorite blogs these days?  There are different ways to be sure you aren't missing any of your favorite blogs' posts.

Google Friend Connect hasn't gone away, so don't forget to click there.  Then you may want to consider signing up with Bloglovin.  

Bloglovin is an easy way to follow blogs.  And you can even group your blogs into categories.  How cool is that?  

If you aren't following me, please follow me on Google Friend Connect (on my sidebar).  Then click my Bloglovin button above!  

Would you like to discover other great blogs?  Laura Candler from Corkboard Connections is hosting this fun Blog Hunt so everyone can hop around and find some great new blogs!  Why don' t you join in??  

Click on the cute bear at the top to hop to other great blogs!!


  1. What?! Google Friend Connect isn't going away? Sorry, couldn't help myself. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Hello Lori! Just wanted to tell you I am your newest Bloglovin follower!
    3 Teacher Chicks

  3. That's right, Tammy! GFC is still here. :)

  4. Hey Amy! I am thrilled that you are following me with Bloglov!! I am already following your great blog. :)
