12 December 2013

Christmas Traditions: Christmas Questionnaire

I am a traditional girl at heart and I love all the traditions that go with the holiday season!   Christmas is one of my FAVORITE times of the year!  I also really enjoy hearing about other people's traditions! So I knew I wanted to join in with Michelle over at Fabulous in First and her Christmas Questionnaire.

Hot Chocolate or EggNog?
Hmmm,  I enjoy both, but I don't drink either one very often.  I think eggnog probably wins this one for me.  We always get a little every holiday season and I like to have an eggnog shake too!  But my favorite drink right now is my Dunkin Donuts Mocha Mint with whipped cream on top!

Does Santa Wrap Presents or Set Them Under the Tree?  
Wrapped when my boys were little.  Now they are 21 and 18, so sadly, Santa doesn't visit us anymore!  When Santa did visit, there would be a few gifts from him under the tree and in the stockings for the boys.  Then gifts from their dad and me.

Colored Lights or White?
I like to use white lights.  White lights all over the Christmas tree!  I add color with the other decorations.

When Do You Decorate?
I do not decorate until about the first or second week of December.  I've tried decorating the day after Thanksgiving, but then it is up too long for me by the time Christmas comes and goes.

Real or Fake Tree?
We have gone through cycles of trees!  When we were first married, it was ALWAYS a real tree just like when I lived at home.  I liked the tradition of going out together and finding just the right tree.  But that became too much to get done some years when both of us were busy.  So now I have a pre-lit tree and I love how easy that is!  But I do miss the real tree!

What Tops Your Tree?
Sad to say, but there is nothing on the top of my tree right now!  I used to have a beautiful angel and it got damaged.  I haven't replaced my angel yet so the top is bare for now.

Favorite Christmas Memories or Traditions:
I have several actually!  When I was a kid we would go to one set of grandparents to visit on Christmas Eve.  On the way home, we would grab a bite to eat and then open all our presents that evening! On Christmas Day, we would visit my other grandparents for a day of fun, presents and food with them and my aunts, uncles, and cousins.  My boys, especially my youngest, always helped me decorate and I miss that now that they are older.  We always had the tradition of the boys getting up all excited and ready to open presents Christmas morning.  We still get up for gifts then have a big Christmas breakfast with everyone's favorite item on the menu. One thing I have learned over the years, traditions change!

Favorite Gift as a Child:
Hands down, my favorite gift as a child was my first big girl bike!!  It was blue, my favorite color, and had a white seat.  I loved that thing and rode it all over the place.  I had no idea that my parents were getting it for me, so it was a huge surprise!

Do You Prefer Giving or Receiving?
I love to give gifts!  I find joy in trying to give someone something that I think they will enjoy.  Doesn't have to be a big gift, I just like to try to make people happy.

Favorite Christmas Song?
I like different songs, old songs and newer ones.  The past few years I really like Toby Mac's Christmas This Year.

Candy Canes:  Yuck or Yum?
I am not really into candy canes.  They aren't really something that we eat much of at my house.  I do like having a few around for decorations!

Favorite Christmas Movie:
My favorite Christmas movie would probably be Christmas Vacation because I don't watch too many Christmas movies.  My boys think it is just hilarious!

Shop Online or in Stores?
I do both!  This year I have done almost all of mine online.  So, so easy!  

Photo Cards, Letter, or Store Bought Card?
Please don't call me a Grinch, but none!  I used to do cards, but those got out of control and I just don't send them out anymore.  I would love to do a photo card, but getting 3 guys to half way match with clothes and all home at the same time willing to pose for a picture is just hard, people!  

Now it is your turn to let us get to know YOU a bit better!  Link up!


  1. Mocha Mint? Oh my gosh! Never heard of such a thing. YUM! Think I'll make the 20 mile drive to the nearest DD just to try it!

    1. Angela, the Mocha Mint is good! I get it for my Keurig coffee maker. I don't know if they sell it at Dunkin Donuts or not. I get it at Walmart.

  2. Loved reading this Lori! We have so many of the same answers, and some of your answers would have been my second choices (like the movie!)
    Whimsy Workshop Teaching

    1. I have enjoyed reading everyone's too, Susanna! We do have a lot of the same answers!

  3. Lori, don't you love doing breakfasts? That is my favorite. For some reason I can have everything come out at the same time, ready to eat easier than dinners. I am not good having dinners. :) I loved reading this post. Isn't it so sweet that you won't ever forget that bike! :)
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

    1. I do like doing breakfasts! I am glad though to hear that others have trouble getting everything together at the same time. :) I really enjoyed your post too!

  4. Hi Lori! This was a fun post! I love breakfast with my boys, too. We open our stockings and just take time to enjoy each thing. There's lots of laughter and love.

    1. Thanks Sandy! I really enjoyed your post too! I love spending that time with my husband and boys too!

  5. I enjoyed hearing about your Christmas. We used to do real trees when growing up. My parents now have a fake one. It almost seems wrong. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. I loved having a real tree, Tammy! But it just became too much when we were trying to find one closer and closer to Christmas every year because we became busy with the boys. A fake one is a lot easier even though I like the real ones!

  6. Thanks so much for linking up! So fun to hear about everyone's Christmas!
