21 May 2014

Wordless Wednesday- Time to Move!

I just got the news this week...I have to move to a new room!  That means packing everything and I mean. every. thing.  

My room is almost half packed.  I have a ways to go.  But I will get there.  

Do you get to stay in the same room for next year?  Do you have to pack everything up or just part of your materials?  Stay tuned...Sunday I will have a post about packing up your room with the mindset of thinking forward to the next school year to make things easier!

Join in with Miss DeCarbo and Wordless Wednesday!!


  1. At this point I will stay in the same room. I am still getting rid of what I don't use. It's just easier that way.

    1. I am glad you get to stay in your room, Mary! I agree, it is easier to get rid of stuff now that you aren't using.

  2. I have to move rooms too but I don't even know what grade I will be teaching yet or if I will even be in the same school. Up until this Friday I have been in the same room for 11 years.

    1. Oh wow Tobi! I am sorry you don't know what grade or if you will be in the same school for next year. That would be difficult for sure. I hope it turns out the way you would like for it to!

  3. I'm going to be in the same room, and I'm thankful. I love my little room- it's my second home. Good luck packing!


    1. Thank you Maria! I am glad you get to stay in the same room. So much easier that way!

  4. I had to move rooms last year. I had been in my previous room for 8 years which made it a HUGE task. Good chance to clear out though, get organised and design a new room! My new room is small but with summer round the corner and things starting to grow, I've discovered I have a gorgeous view. Hope your move goes smoothly!
    Growing Little Learners

    1. Thank you Pixie Anne! A room with a gorgeous view sounds wonderful! I am presently in a room without windows and my new room will also be without windows. I miss being able to see outside.

  5. I have moved almost every year for the last six years (sometimes I've had to move after school has started). It is not a fun feeling!!!! Thankfully, I do not have to move this year, but will be helping those that are moving!

    Literacy Without Worksheets

    1. I am glad you are finally not having to move, Bridget! Moving almost every year would be rough!!

  6. Oh, I'm sorry. That can be a pain. I guess it can also force some purging, although I can't imagine you have much unused stuff sitting around.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. I did have some things that needed to go, Tammy. I am definitely paring things down to only things I am going to use. I don't want to store any extras anymore!

  7. Ugh, sorry you have to move! I'm staying in the same room but I may as well be moving. I have to pack up EVERYTHING and take EVERYTHING down. I even have to clean out my teacher desk and file cabinets! Good luck to you.

    My Carolina Classroom

    1. Oh, Kristin, I feel your pain!! Cleaning out my desk and filing cabinets are the worst! So hard to store those files so they can go back in the correct order and not get the contents spilled out. Sorry you are still having to take everything down even though your aren't moving!!

  8. I'm moving rooms and grade levels this year. I've been packing up all week. Good luck with your packing.

    1. Good luck with your packing, too Mrs. South Mrs. Moon! Certainly not a fun job. I hope it goes smoothly for you!

  9. I had to pack up last year but only cause I moved to a new school. I managed to toss a bunch of junk, which was good:). Best of luck with your move!

    1. I love tossing out stuff I don't need or don't use, Barb! It just feels good to get rid of some stuff!

  10. In the past 23 years of teaching I moved rooms 11 times. I have been in my current room for two years, but I am hoping to change grades next year so room 12 may be coming. The up side of moving is cleaning out the clutter.

    1. Wow, that is a lot of moving times, Mrs. Bahr! Good luck with move number 12 if it happens!!
