07 September 2014

Visual Lesson Plans & Letter Learning

reading plans for kindergarten through second grade

It's going to be a busy week!  Lots to do and learn!  These are my reading lesson plans for the week instead of my RtI visual lesson plans.  I will be posting my RtI lesson plans once our first cycle begins, which is in a couple of weeks.  These are just a few of the things I have planned for the week for kindergarten through second grade.

I can't wait for my group to read the Fly Guy book!  My kids love Fly Guy so I ordered some sets at the end of the year.  I know they are going to have a blast with him.  Who knew a book about a fly would be so fun??

fun way to learn the ABCs with Spin, Say & Write

This week some of my kindergartners will be spinning their way to learning some of the letters in their name.  I still have a few that haven't gotten a few letters to stick.  So they will get the letter they are having difficulty with to spin, say (it is important that they don't skip this step) and then write their letter.  

Fun way to learn letters by spinning a paperclip to see which letter will win!

If the student lands on the picture, they will just say the picture and then spin again.  This will help them to associate the letter with the picture and later to learn the sound for that letter.  

an organized way to keep student learning in a reader's notebook

My first graders and second graders (older grades used this notebook in the past too) keep their work in this interactive notebook.  They will use it for their word work this week and for comprehension also.  It is a great way to keep their learning organized and to be able to see the progression of their work since it stays in the notebook.

If you download the picture of the lesson plans at the top, you will have the links to all the resources that I will be using this week.  There are 2 freebies in this week's lessons- the syllable sort and the apple short vowel sort.  These are not my freebies, but I wanted to share them with you!

Link up with Deedee with your plans for the week!


  1. My kids end up loving Fly Guy. In fact, I think some kids learn how to be readers from all the Fly Guy books they read over and over again. I've beefed up my collection over the past few years for sure. Good luck with all your little ones. They're in the best of hands.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. I have been following your blog for a while, and don't know if I have ever left a comment. I really do enjoy your posts!
