25 January 2015

Vocabulary Walls

Learning new vocabulary

One of the skills my building needed to strengthen according to test scores was vocabulary.  To be specific, vocabulary and synonyms to go with the vocabulary.  One way that I am addressing that weakness is with my vocabulary wall.  For each book, we pull a word or two for our vocabulary to learn.  Then as a visual reminder, I place those vocabulary word cards on a copy of the book cover.  This is an easy way to help students remember what the word means by remembering how it was used in the story or text.  I require that they be able to read the word and be able to tell me a synonym that goes with the word.  When we have a couple of seconds, we can easily go over the wall, reading the words and naming the synonyms.  I am finding that it is helping the students remember vocabulary better this year.

learning new vocabulary and synonynms

In addition to the vocabulary wall, we also fill out a vocabulary sheet so we can dive in a little deeper with the word.    We discuss the definition and what the kids come up with becomes our definition.  I don't want them memorizing a bunch of words that really don't have any meaning to them so the language needs to be from them.  I also like to have different versions  of their answers and let the students write what fits them best.  

learning new vocabulary and synonyms

We were discussing loitering with The Three Little Pigs folktale unit.  The students discussions on loitering were funny!  We finally came around to when the author uses loitering, he is trying to convey to us that the character is probably up to no good!

learning new vocabulary

Of course the discussion on scrumptious got us all hungry for lunch!

learning new vocabulary

We keep our vocabulary sheets in our Interactive Reader's Notebook.  This is the vocabulary section of it.  We have several versions of vocabulary work in the notebook to choose from when using it.

Using interactive reader's notebooks in class

The notebook has been a really great tool this year.  Helps keep everything organized in one place and an easy way of seeing the progression of skills by the students.

How are you working on vocabulary this year?  


  1. First off when did you get a new blog design? Very nice! I just bought the book Word Nerds. I'm looking forward to reading it.

    1. Thanks so much, Tammy! It is brand new! I heard Work Nerds is a good book. Enjoy!

  2. Love your new blog design, Lori! Super professional looking!

    1. Thank you! I am loving the new design too!

  3. Love the new look! I knew it was from The 3AM Teacher instantly. Love her designs. On another note, I am using interactive notebooks with my intervention students, too. Kids are very proud of their books and use them as a reference often. Very pleased.

    1. Thank you so much, Wendy! The 3am Teacher, Michelle, did a fabulous job! I am glad your students are enjoying using interactive notebooks. I know I love having my students use them too.

  4. Such a simple, yet effective idea! Thanks for sharing! I wish I had more wall space! I literally have a tiny area and that is it!

    1. Wall space is always a problem, isn't it? Thanks for coming by, Megan!
