10 June 2018

Top 4 Must Read Books for Teachers

Teacher Book Stack Must Read Books for Teachers

Are you curious about what the top must read books are for teachers this summer?  I've got 4 great teacher book picks for you that will help you with your literacy instruction, organize your classroom library and promote books to students, develop reading fluency and help you with RTI reading interventions!  Wow, that is a lot of good stuff!

Teacher Book Stack Must Read Books for Teachers

I call it my Teacher Stack!  I choose a few books every summer to read and study with the hopes of improving my teaching and taking my students to the next level in their reading skills. Some of the the links below may be referral links, which means,  I will earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. 

Teacher Book Stack Must Read Books for Teachers From Striving to Thriving

Teacher Book Stack Must Read Books for Teachers From Striving to Thriving

From Striving to Thriving is about growing confident, capable readers through experiences with appealing books.  This book has lots of great ideas on how to build engagement with books so students will increase the volume of reading.  There are many pictures as examples of how to design spaces in classrooms, examples of anchor charts, and ways to get kids excited about books by displaying, reading aloud and holding book talks!

I am excited to use the ideas in this book to get my students excited and to build life long readers by cultivating their curiosity and natural wonderings with highly engaging texts!
Teacher Book Stack Must Read Books for Teachers It's All About the Books

Teacher Book Stack Must Read Books for Teachers It's All About the Books

I feel like this book, It's All About the Books, will make a good companion to From Striving to Thriving.  This one gives you ideas on how to create bookrooms and classroom libraries to inspire your readers to read and love all kinds of books.  It will help you to support student choice in book selections and support instructional goals. 

I can't wait to put into place some of the ideas to take my classroom library to the next level for my students!  All the colorful pictures of classroom libraries and bookrooms are very helpful.

Teacher Book Stack Must Read Books for Teachers Reading Success for All Students

Teacher Book Stack Must Read Books for Teachers Reading Success for All Students

I learned about Reading Success for All Students during a conference on dyslexia.  Our state is rolling out some new mandates on how to screen and help students who have the markers of possibly having dyslexia.  There are all kinds of  word lists that could be used for RTI assessments.  How to use the assessments, how the skills correlate to the common core, ideas for teaching, etc... are included. 

This book will be getting a lot of use for our RTI interventions.  I like all the different assessments included and ideas for helping students who are still struggling with the skills.

Teacher Book Stack Must Read Books for Teachers The Megabook of Fluency

Teacher Book Stack Must Read Books for Teachers The Megabook of Fluency

I have been so excited about this book, The Megabook of Fluency, since I saw that Timothy Rasinski had come out with another fluency book.  Rasinski is the guru of fluency and his ideas really work.  This latest book of his not only includes all these ideas, but it also includes how to use the ideas AND it includes different kinds of texts to use with the ideas!  No hunting down texts to use- he has included it in the book.

This book will get a lot of use with my reading interventions groups along with my guided reading small groups.  Lots of great ideas that could be used for shared reading.

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  1. I am going to kindergarten next year which order or books would be best suited for that.

    1. Out of these books, probably the It's All About the Books would be a good one to start with to learn about classroom libraries. If you need ideas on guided reading for kindergarten, I would recommend The Next Steps in Guided Reading https://amzn.to/2JGzA23

      That book has lots of great ideas for teaching reading! Hope that helps!

  2. Which one would be good to start with for elementary librarians?

    1. Hi Reanea! The book It's All About the Books might be good. It is about classroom libraries but it has sections in it for how to encourage life long reading, building community, supporting reader's choice, etc.. that you might find helpful. If you help with teaching reading at all, From Striving to Thriving might also be good for you. You can open the books in preview on Amazon and see some of what they cover on the inside. Hope that helps!
