11 January 2012

QR Codes for the Classroom

          Mrs. K over at The Teacher Garden has posted a FABULOUS list of ways to use QR codes!  42 different ways in fact!  I am so impressed.  I have not used this new (or at least new to me!)  technology in the classroom yet, but am very interested in this idea.  I can only imagine how much fun the students would have with this and how it will take our activities to the next level.  Please check out Mrs. K's list and see what you might be able to use with your students!


  1. This is great :) Thanks for sharing that great site on yours! If you have time, check out our $25 giftcard giveaway! :) Have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday :)

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  2. I dropped by your blog and entered your give away Lisa! Thanks!
