16 February 2012

I Love Chocolate

I am so excited!  I got to be a guest blogger today at Kreative in Kinder.  Crystal has wonderful kindergarten ideas to share so be sure to hop on over to her blog and check it out! 

We missed two days of school this week due to snow and missed our Valentine's Day parties.  :(  But we got to make up for that today!  Last week to get ready for Valentine's, we did a whole unit on a poem called I Love Chocolate.  Who doesn't love chocolate and especially around Valentine's Day??   First we practiced reading this short fun poem.  It has some of our sight words in it and we also found rhymes. 

Another fun activity that we like to do with poems is writing them on sentence strips and rebuilding them on the pocket chart.  Students can use the chart to help them rebuild the poem if they need to.  Then as they get more practice at it, you can then have them rebuild the poem with individual word cards.  I like for activities to be multi-leveled and differentiated so all students can succeed.

After having learned our poem, we made it individual by taking out the word chocolate and putting in a food that we like.  We colored a person cut out to look like us and put the food in our "tum".  The kids got very stylish and some even drew on earrings and necklaces.  This little one's favorite food is broccoli!!  I just adore that she picked that food!

Our miniature books of this poem and the individualized miniature books will go into our familiar read baskets so we can continue to enjoy reading them. 

Do your students enjoy the books they make even more than the regular books you place in the baskets? So much fun to see them enjoy their work and watch them read. It's what it's all about!! :)


  1. How cute! I love the idea of blog switcher-roos!


    The 3AM Teacher

  2. Another great post Lori! As always, it's all about authenticity. I love it all!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. Loved your post. I need to get back to doing a morning message. So many great skills for everyone can be covered in a short amount of time.

    Queen with Class

  4. Thank you for coming by and commenting Michelle and Lisa! I really appreciate it. :)

  5. Tammy and Tricia, thank you both for your comments! Love to do morning messages and the kids love to see what they already know before we start. Love it when they are excited about learning. :)

  6. Hey there! Thanks for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog. Was wondering if you could email with some tips for my grab button?? having a little trouble with the code:( Thanks!


  7. Thank you so much for following me!!! :)

    Apples and ABC's

  8. I have a phonic freebie on Beginning Letter Sounds! You've been so sweet with trying to help me out! I would love to go ahead and email this to you:)


  9. Lori! Thank you for following us! We are now your newest follower! I am so excited to read all of your posts! I love your focus on literacy! You should totally enter our blog giveaway, it is on a literacy center pack for March!

    ~ Katie
    First Grade ABCs

  10. Lori, thanks for visiting my new little blog. I don't know how on earth you found me but you made my day! Thank you for your kind words. If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears! I did post a St. Patrick's Day Math Center (differentiated of course) if you want to stop by and check it out. I would really love to hear any of your comments.

  11. I am a new follower! Love all your cute stuff! :)
    Crayons and Curls
