12 March 2012

Kinder-2nd Linky Party

Jeannie, over at Kindergarten Lifestyle, has a great linky party going on!  There are so many great kindergarten through second grade blogs that she is putting them all together so we can find each other.  Just click on the picture above and it will take you right to her blog so you can link up and follow all the great blogs out there!


  1. Thanks for the link! I am in third this year but will be moving to second next- excited and nervous- but happy to have second grade blogs to stalk!

  2. Thanks for the info - I will be checking it out! Also, I've passed along the One Lovely Blog Award. Thanks so much for sharing all your awesome ideas! Come and get it over on my blog!


  3. I am your newest follower! I just discovered your blog through the aK-2 link party! Come check out mine Sweet Seconds!


  4. Ok I love your scrolling blog buttons to the side!> I've added your button on my blog and would love if you'd add mine!

    Thank you for joining my K-2 linky party! I am super impressed with all the wonderful blogs out there!

    ­Kindergarten Lifestyle

    Kindergarten Lifestyle Facebook Fan Page

  5. Thanks for coming by Julie! You will love 2nd grade! I used to teach that grade and thought it was great!

  6. Thank you, Jessica, for your kind words and the award! So nice!!

  7. Brittany, thank you so much for following me! I am following you too. I visited your great blog and left you a comment!

  8. Jeannie, I agree, so many great blogs out there! My blog button needs some work. I put it on there so long ago and didn't have time to put but a couple buttons on and now I have to try to remember how I did it so I can add others. lol! Adding yours and the others is on my to do list very soon!

  9. Great ideas on your blog. I love trying out different activities, especially in my literacy centers. I am now following:)

    Surfin' Through Second

  10. Hi Lori
    I am follower 253. : )


  11. Thank you Corrina and Sandi!! I follow you Sandi! Corrina, my blog started acting funny yesterday afternoon and won't let me follow anyone. When I get this fixed, I will be following your great blog too! Hawaii, I am jealous. :)
