02 March 2012

Seusstastical Party!

Whew!!  What a exhausting fun time today!  We were very busy today celebrating Dr. Seuss.  Which if you were not aware, he not only is a famous author, but he is apparently one of my kindergartner's doctors!!!  The things my kindergartners say just crack me up sometimes.  Kindergarten and first grade got to make these wonderful Dr. Seuss hats.  Good times were had trying to get those pesky white stripes glued and onto the hats.  Gallons of glue were used and still some of us had trouble getting them to stick where we wanted them!  I think we all wore some of the glue home. 

Second graders got to make and eat Cat in the Hat hats.  Felt kind of guilty for sugaring up these little guys and then sending them back to their classroom teachers  for them to deal with the sugar high that was bound to happen!

Dr. Seuss stickers and bookmarks were also a highlight.  At least these shouldn't disrupt the classroom like the hats or sugar highs might!

We enjoyed Dr. Seuss books and story mapped The Cat in the Hat.  Kindergarten through third grade wrote on raindrops what they would do if they were home on a rainy day to keep from begin bored.  Cute answers!  One first grader wrote that she would clean the house.  I am sure her mom must LOVE rainy days!!  Take a look at our pictures of our map, wall and raindrops.


  1. I thought about making those little treats. I bet they were a hit. Fun day! Time for a nap now?
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. It looks like your students had a lot of fun! We had our day cut short due to a tornado watch. We all made it home safe. Now were are hoping to make it through the second storm that is due any minute.


  3. I know you've got awards coming out of your ears, but how could I not pass out awards without giving you one? Come see. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  4. Thank you for the comment AND the award, Tammy!! I appreciate you always coming by to make nice comments on my blog!

  5. Oodles of Teaching Fun- I am so thankful that you all made it home safe from the tornados. Praying you all have a safe night.

  6. Looks like you had a great Dr. Seuss week!! Congrats on your award:)

  7. We did have a good time Tammy SF! Thank you!!

  8. Love the raindrop writing! What a darling idea! And for the record, your hats are the deluxe version compared to ours ;)


  9. Hi Lori
    Looks like you had a fun day! I just posted pictures from our day last night. I too love the raindrop idea..brillant. That needs to be pinned. :o)
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  10. You had it right the first time- exhausting!! But it was also a fun week! Thanks for letting me take a peek at what you do to celebrate! :) cute ideas! :)

    Let's Teach Something

  11. Those little hat treats look so yummy!!!


    Apples and ABC's

  12. Gotta love Seuss Day! Good thing it only happens once a year though!

    I have given you the One Lovely Blogger Award...stop by my blog to get it.

    Kindergarten Kel

  13. I just nominated you for an award. Visit my blog to check it out! Click here http://bit.ly/rtHPbL to grab your award.

    Wild About Second Grade

  14. Looks like lots of fun!! I am a new follower!

    The First Grade Dream

  15. Such great hats! We made ones that didn't wrap all the way around and thus we had a heckuva time keeping them up. They looked like striped chefs hats all flopped over. Ha! Will use your idea next year! Thanks!

  16. Love the raindrop writing idea! The board was so cute!

    Mrs Poland
    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  17. Thank you Rebecca, Vicky, Staci, Michelle, Kelly, Latricia, Jennifer, Angela, and Mrs. Poland! I appreciate your comments, new followers, and awards! I really need to get threaded comments! lol!

  18. Wow!! How I would have loved to be in your class.

    I know you've already been awarded this, but I gave you a shout out on my blog for a Top 10 award xx

    Daydreams of a Student Teacher

  19. Thank you Emmy! That is so very nice of you!!

  20. I've just given you the Top 10 award over at my blog!! Go check it out:)

  21. Thank you, TammySF!! So nice of you to do that!
