17 April 2012

I Love My White Shoes and 5 Star Blogger Challenge

Have you read the Pete the Cat books?  I know, who hasn't right?  They are so cute and simple and the kids adore them!  The kids learned the song quickly and I so enjoyed hearing them sing as I read them the book.  Too cute!  After reading the book, we chose words that we found interesting to put around our own Pete the Cat.

Such a cute book inspires great writing- bonus!  The kindergartners first wrote about Pete and what he stepped in.  Take a look!

 Pete stepped in strawberries.  Pete loves red shoes. 
Pete stepped in blueberries.  He loves his blue shoes.
 Pete has different colors of shoes.  His shoes are red.

After all that fun, we then talked about what if we put ourselves in Pete's shoes, so to speak.  Some got a little creative with their drawings of themselves, but their writing was so good!
I love my pink shoes.  I stepped in bubblegum.  My shoes are beautiful.

My shoes are blue.  I stepped in blue paint.

My shoes are light brown.  I stepped in mud.

I am so happy with how far some of these students have come.  The student who wrote about Pete stepping in strawberries and then herself stepping in bubblegum has a huge speech problem.  She came to us in preschool not being able to say the beginning or ending sounds of words when she spoke.  Flip flops would come out at iii ooos.   We can now understand her so much better and she can hear and stretch on her own so many more words and sounds!  Yay, yay, yay for her and the other students everywhere who have come so far!
Are you a 5 Star Blogger?  Charity, from The Organized Classroom Blog, has challenged teacher bloggers to hold to certain standards on their blogs.  I am happy to say that I meet her challenge.  Go to her blog and check out what it's all about!


  1. The kids did a great job! I especially liked the one about stepping in bubble gum! I love Pete's philosophy of life...It's All Good!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. We love Pete! I show the author singing/reading the book from youtube to my kids at the beginning of the year before reading the book. It's too fun. Your kids have come a long ways I'm sure. That's what real reading and real writing does for little literacy learners. Woohoo!

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. Yay for your kiddos! These are great! I'm proud to have earned my 5 star blogger badge too! Thanks for sharing!!!

    Blogging Blessings from The Teacher's Chatterbox,

  4. I love hearing about the growth your students have made. The idea of your little one saying iii ooos for flip flops and now being able to spell phonetically is story that helps us remember why we do this!

    Primarily Primary

  5. I really love Pete. However, that song gets stuck in my head for days! Love seeing your students' writing and growth! Tammy is right...real reading and writing is the ticket!

  6. What a precious story you shared! It's all the little things that we can look back on and realized the impacts that are made. :)

    COngrats on being a five star!


    Sprinkles to Kindergarten


  7. I agree, Connie, it's all good! Thank you!

  8. Tammy, these students have come a long way. Love to see that progress! Thank you for always commenting!

  9. Thank you, Rebecca! Glad you have earned your 5 Star badge too!

  10. Angela, thank you for your sweet comment! This little girl has done some major improving and you are right- that IS what it's all about!

  11. Sandi, I can see how after awhile that song could drive you crazy! I agree, real reading and writing gets them far!

  12. Thank you Erica for your kind comment! Seeing the impact is huge for us teachers!

  13. I haven't read that book! It looks super cute! I am obsessed with ordering children's books on Amazon. I think I currently have over 30 books on my wish list. I guess I am going to have to add one more!

  14. Kelley, you and your kids will love Pete the Cat! There are a couple out now and a couple more coming this year. Better add them to your list. :)

  15. Your kiddos have an amazing teacher which is why they succeed :) Love this idea for Pete the Cat! So cute!


  16. Great post - definitely a 5-Star Blogger! Thanks for linking up!

    The Organized Classroom Blog

  17. Laura, you always pay me the highest compliments! So sweet of you! Thank you for coming by

  18. Thank you for coming by, Charity! Great challenge! :)

  19. Stopping by to visit my fellow 5-Star Bloggers. I love your blog and the concept of it! Literature is such an important part of my life and my homeschool. It made me happy to read about your student who has grown so much since preschool with her speech delay!!


  20. Fabulous blog! Stopped by to visit a fellow 5 Star Blogger - now your newest follower

