16 May 2012

Circle Maps for Thinking

Do you use circle maps with your students?  They are easy, but versatile to use.  One of my classes was reading George Washington's Mother.  This book fit in so well with using a circle map to make all the information that the students were learning easier to manage.  

We also did a circle map as we read Freckle Juice, an oldie but goodie story.  

Circle maps can be used in a whole bunch of different ways.  Here is a short list that is definitely not all inclusive!

*  Brainstorming ideas
*  Character traits and evidence
*  Letter in middle and words that begin with that letter in outside circle
*  Informational text and ideas learned
*  Story events
*  Adjectives to describe a character or object
*  Verbs that a character can do
*  Proper Nouns found in your town

After students have learned how to use the maps to organize their information, it can become a very useful tool for them to use independently.


  1. I love circle maps! It has really helped my students develop their writing when I integrate them with that subject. Thanks for sharing your ideas with circle maps!

    Please stop by sometime & follow my new blog!,
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. I haven't used a circle map before, but it looks simple enough to use at any grade level. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I haven't used them either. Your ideas of how to use them effectively are very useful. I'll have to put them to use. Thanks Lori!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  4. Circle maps are great!! We use them for everything. Character analysis, brainstorming for writing topics, and even math. It's a great tool to use!!


  5. We used a circle map today with Pete the Cat!

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers

  6. I find the circle maps very helpful too, Lisa! Thank you for coming by my blog and following me! I am headed to your blog now!

  7. Connie, the circle map is easy to use and can be used for so many things and for different subjects. :) Thank you for always coming by to comment!

  8. Tammy, when you use the circle map whatever they put in the inside circle really helps them to focus on that idea while reading. I really like using them. :)

  9. I agree, Tammy SF, the circle maps are great! I like how you can use them for so many different things and subjects. Thanks for coming by!

  10. Barbara, circle maps AND Pete the Cat= a winner! Love, love Pete the Cat! :)

  11. Thanks so much Erica! I appreciate your comments!

  12. Wow! I've never used a circle map before, but I could definitely see us using one in my classroom now! Thanks for the idea ;)

    Jessica Stanford

  13. Thank you Jessica! They are definitely a great graphic organizer.

  14. I love using Thinking Maps. The Circle Map is one of the easiest for my students to learn and understand how to use. I use it for reading activities,math and writing!

    Twirlybird Teaching

  15. Brilliant...it is like a CD....the album title in the middle and the songs on the outside...just like main idea and details..hmmmm

    Chickadee Jubilee

  16. Hey Lori!
    You have a cute blog! I have almost the same template! Great minds think alike right? I am new to the blogging world and would love for you to come see my blog and become a follower!
    Enchanted Tales of Elementary School

  17. Danielle, I agree, circle maps are easy to use and great for organizing information. Thanks for commenting!

  18. Laurie, I love that cd analogy! Main idea and supporting details- another great way to use circle maps! Thank you for coming by to comment!

  19. Thank you, Diane, for coming by my blog and following me! I will head to your blog now. :)
