12 August 2012

Where Did Summer Go & It's Sale Time!!

Conversations in Literacy Store

Sunday and Monday are Back to School sale days at TeacherspayTeachers!!  And just in time as I head back this week.  What timing!  I have orientation on   Monday evening, teacher work days on Tuesday and Wednesday and students start on Thursday.  Wow!  Where did my summer go?  

I had all these plans of things that I wanted to accomplish this summer:

*  read professional books -Read parts of two- does that count?

*  make lots of things for my room - I did get several of those completed

*  organize my office closet- I went through and got rid of old clothes in my                                       bedroom closet, so one closet got done :)

*  work on my RtI files that I lugged home from school- almost have that completed

*  take a trip with my family- Yay, accomplished that one!  We went to South Dakota and had a great time and saw some beautiful scenery!  Who knew South Dakota could be so pretty?

Our trip to South Dakota

Now, I guess it's time to get back in school mode (do we ever really leave it?).  Be sure to visit my store for reading and writing and other fun stuff for your classroom!   Be sure you use the code from the button at the top for 28% savings!  And enjoy what is left of your summer!  :)

Conversations in Literacy store


  1. I didn't quite accomplish everything on my summer list either. What you did accomplish, like that trip to South Dakota, looks well worth your time. (Beautiful!)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. It seems I never quite accomplish everything on my summer list, Tammy! But yes, we did see beautiful country on our trip...relaxing!
