10 October 2012

Character Changes and A Freebie

Character Changes...Getting students to think more deeply about a text than just at the surface level.   I don't want my students to just learn about the beginning-middle-end of stories, although that is the first step.  But I want them to think and connect with the characters within the text and how the characters change.  Some characters are not the same through out the story, but events happen to them and the characters change because of these events.  I also want them to learn to provide evidence of their thinking.

So to help my students learn this I created this Character Changes Foldable.  My second and third graders read books where the characters went through a change in character traits from the beginning to the end.  We discussed these and what events (evidence) from the stories caused these trait changes.  I will have to say that I was very pleased at how perceptive these students were to the traits and what caused the characters to change!  I LOVE it when I can get my students to engage at a deep level with our text- one of those yeah, you are getting this and you are good at it feelings!

The students started out listing common, surface words like mad and sad.  But I was surprised how quickly they were able to move on to descriptives like worried, nervous, freaked out, lonely... One student who deeply fears reading in front of others but will participate in discussions about thinking is the one who came up with "freaked out" for the character who was a new kid in school that loses his class and doesn't know where to go.  This student was a new student to our school this year.  Don't you know he connected deeply to how the character felt in our story?  

If you want to use this Character Changes Foldable with your students, you can download it free.  Just click here to be taken to my store to get it.  

Freebie Fridays


  1. Great idea...thank you for sharing :)


  2. This is a great way to move the kids to a deeper place, and I love the expectation that they're to prove their thinking too. Thank Lori!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. We just started working on character traits today - identifying a trait and using text evidence to support. We started with Sheila Rae, the Brave. That would be a great book for your foldable. Thanks for the freebie :)
    Stories by Storie

  4. Thanks! This is a great way to walk kids through thinking deeper about character changes.

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  5. Thank you Stephanie Ann! I appreciate you coming by!

  6. Thank you Tammy! You know I expect my students to try to get past surface level thinking!

  7. Thank you, Storie, for the book recommendation! I'm always on the look out for new books to use!

  8. Thank you Jenny for coming by! I love to teach students to go a little deeper with their thinking!

  9. This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing it!
    Literacy Minute

  10. Thank you Sandi! I appreciate that!

  11. Thank you so much, Yearn To Learn!

  12. Thank you jbales! I am glad you like it and that you stopped by!

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