11 November 2012

RtI Fluency Binder Organization

One minute reading assessments
Binders, binders, binders!

Do you test for fluency during your Response to Intervention (RtI) time?  For some students we use fluency tests if that is the appropriate skill at that time for them.  And once again, Reading A-Z has helped me out with this!  This site has an abundance of fluency tests ready to go if that is what you need.

fluency assessments for RtI

Last week, I explained how we used Reading A-Z to help us with phonemic awareness assessments-  click here to read that post.  I am a huge supporter of the RtI process and truly believe that it works.  But finding enough materials that work for your situation can be difficult at times.   

I so appreciated that Reading A-Z already had one minute fluency assessments ready to use.  If you have ever made these assessments, you know how much work is involved!

Reading A-Z one minute fluency assessments

I have 5 binders for weekly fluency assessments- one each for grades one through five.  But I rarely use the first grade binder.  It's not really appropriate to be timing first grade students in the first semester of the year. And I hardly ever use it even in the second semester.  I don't want them to be concentrating on trying to read fast.  Fluency is not about reading fast anyway!  I want my students to be able to read their words automatically, smoothly reading with expression, and read at the correct pace.  That does not mean racing through a passage as fast as they can go.  The goal of reading with fluency is to improve the student's comprehension.  Okay, stepping off my soap box now!  :) 

I have each binder organized by months with assessments in each month increasing in difficulty.  These passages work great for our weekly progress monitoring.  Our RtI cycle runs from September through December and then again from February through April.  So what students would be expected to read fluently in October would need to be different than what they read in March.  

What do you use for fluency tests?  Does it work for you?  I would love to hear about it!


  1. I'm in a district that is moving towards RtI but I have experienced it in other schools- thanks for a great post about resources! Extremely helpful!

    Sparkles, Smiles, and Student Teaching

  2. I love our soap box! Preach it. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. I love this! We use Dibels for fluency. It's not my favorite, but it's what we use.

    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

  4. Love your organization.
    I check the kids' fluency with running records (Marie Clay style).

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  5. Thanks Amber! I am glad that you found it helpful. Good luck as your new school moves more towards RtI!

  6. Thanks Tammy! We do tend to get on a soap box now and then, don't we? :)

  7. I completely understand, Erica. You use what you have to and what your school has. Thanks so much for coming by my blog!

  8. Thank you Barbara! I use running records in class too. :)

  9. Easy CBM has a good website for running records and for comprehension checks (and math, too -- but I've never used them). You can also make your own using Intervention Central's generator.

  10. Anonymous, thank you for that website too! I have used them too, but not in depth. Thank you for coming by my blog!

  11. I have been looking for lessons to use in Tier II. (kindergarten) We use STAR Early Literacy for weekly assesments for our RTI kiddos. I am debating over which site to purchase a license to -- reading a-z or reading tutors. I plan to print off and store in envelopes. Any suggestions?

  12. Rochelle, I don't have much experience with Reading Tutors. I ordered it one year and never really liked it enough to use it. But that doesn't mean someone else might find it very valuable. I do like Reading A-Z a lot. They have leveled books that you can print off to use during guided reading, phonics assessments, phonemic awareness assessments, and fluency assessments. So I use that site for guided reading and RtI. I also like that it isn't a ready made pack- allows for me to differentiate for where each student is. I would suggest going in and taking a good look around both sites to see which fits you best. Good luck with your decision! So glad you came by! :)
