04 November 2012

RtI With A Little Help From Reading A-Z

We are a little over half way through our first cycle of RtI.  If you want to read about our RtI process click here.  Knowing what interventions to teach was not the hard part.  Finding assessments that were ready to use was giving me problems.  I needed a large variety of assessments to cover the many different areas our school could be covering in RtI.  And I did not have the energy nor the time to make them all myself- I know you know what I mean there- never enough time!  :)

This is where Reading A-Z has been a huge help!  I have a classroom license to their site and I put that money to good use!  You can see in the picture above a little tab that says assessments.  They have a wide variety of assessments that you can utilize.  Today I will focus on the phonemic awareness part.

Background Paper from Tessa at Tales from Outside the Classroom

If you have been a follower for very long, you will know that I do a lot of phonemic awareness activities with my students.  With having the assessments I have the other piece of the puzzle.  I like to keep my assessments (well, really most things) in binders.  It keeps them neat and I know right where they are.  I went to the Reading A-Z site then printed off the assessments for phonemic awareness.  They are now in a binder ready to go!

phonemic awareness assessments

phonemic awareness assessments binder

We use the different assessments for our weekly progress monitoring.  When students master one skill then they are moved on to the next and taught interventions until that one is also mastered.  We do not use all of the assessments.  I pick and choose the ones that are appropriate for our students at that time- I don't know that I have ever used all of anything or not tweaked it to fit my style and my students.  I'm sure you do the same!

If you are in need of more weekly assessments for RtI or just want to do some assessmenting of your students for yourself, you just may want to give Reading A-Z a try.  They have a wide variety of items, assessments, and materials.  


  1. You are so organized and intentional. What kinds of assessments do you use with your first grade crew?
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. I love reading a to z! They have been my must have for about 8 years now. :)

  3. I have the same question about 1st grade assessments. I am pushing for a classroom license and I need to give my principal "evidence"!

  4. Great idea! It's nice when you can find what you need without having to make it! Your kiddos are lucky to have someone willing to really promote RTI! I am a firm believer in the process!
    Literacy Minute

  5. Reading A to Z was my lifeline a few years ago. I used all their little books before our school bought us our own huge set of guided reading materials. Thanks for sharing!

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers

  6. I just love Reading A to Z...we subscribe to it as a district. AIMSweb is what we use for progress monitoring.

    I'm your newest follower. Happy Monday!


    Read with Me ABC

  7. Tammy, at the beginning of the year I use the phonemic awareness assessments that I used at the end of kindergarten to be sure to catch any students still missing those important skills. We then try to catch them up on those skills in the classroom, RtI, and in Title 1 Reading. Hope that helps!

  8. I agree, Tara, Reading A-z is great!! Thanks for coming by

  9. Anonymous, see my comment to Tammy on which assessments I give- phonemic awareness. Reading A-Z not only has the phonemic awareness assessments, but they also have fluency assessments also, besides all the classroom books. Well worth the $89 for the classroom license. Good luck convincing your principal!

  10. Thanks Sandi! It is very nice when you can find something that works so you don't have to make it! I don't use all their assessments and I have tweaked some to fit us better, but they're great to have!

  11. Barbara, we use a lot of their books too! Just a wealth of materials. :)

  12. Thank you for stopping by, Wendy! I appreciate you following. I will come by your blog this evening!

  13. I love Reading A to Z! I love their shared reading texts and their multi level books. It's a huge resource!!

  14. Elizabeth, Reading A-Z is a huge resource for me too! Such a time saver. Thank you so much for coming by and happy Thanksgiving!!
