26 December 2012

2012's Blog Best and Brightest

Christina from Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge is hosting a linky!  We get to showcase our best posts from our blog for this past year.  What fun!  When you finish reading mine, go join up and tell us about your blog's shining moments too!  Just click on the picture above to be taken to Christina's blog so you can link up. 

My highest viewed post was technically post in 2011, but it was only 3 days shy of 2012 and it has been my most viewed post by far!  It was a simple, little idea that I got from a workshop with Robert Probst- Tabletop Twitter.  

A fun post that was my second highest in views was my Name Fun and a Freebie post.  It was a fun post about teaching students their names and I included a freebie of reading posters.

I have a huge interest in RtI and so I frequently post about it.  RtI works and works well at my school.  Here is my highest viewed RtI post, which also happens to be my third highest viewed post this year.

Through this wonderful place called blogland, I have connected with Tammy, from Forever in 1st.  She has the best ideas and so much knowledge about writing.  You definitely want to check out her blog and read about how she teaches.  Her students are truly blessed to be in her room and I am blessed to call her my friend!  Go check out her ideas- be sure to check in each Saturday for her reflective Saturday Sayings- and then link up and show us what has been your best this year.  :)


  1. I remember the Tabletop Twitter. I just went and looked at it again. I believe it was the first post of yours that I read and commented on or at least pretty close. I've been hooked since. You're the real deal. Thank you for being a blessing to so many, including me.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Thanks for linking up and sharing your table top twitter... what a great idea!

    *Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge*

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I will have to check out your RTI post-I need a lot of help in that area!


  4. I love your RTI posts! Come to think of it, I love all your posts!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  5. Hi! Just started following you! Great ideas and cute blog! Christina's linky has brought me many new blogs to follow! I recently started a blog...again after trying one years ago....if you have time, hop over and check it out! I would love to have you follow me as well as hear any feedback from you!

  6. Sweet words from you, Tammy! Thank you! I remember connecting with you and finding out that we had the same thoughts about teaching. :)

  7. Thank you Christina! So glad you hosted this linky-fun!

  8. I hope the RtI posts help you, Julie. RtI really can make a big difference. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!

  9. Sally, you are so sweet! Thank you so much for those kind words! :)

  10. Thank you, Kathy, for coming by and following me! I just went and visited your cute blog!

  11. Thank you, Kim, for following me! I just stopped by your cute blog and left you a comment. :)

  12. You rock, Lori. And, she's right...you're the real deal. Love how your posts make me think.
    Growing Firsties

  13. Thank you for the pin!! I have returned the favor and added your blog as a favorite on one of my boards!!

    Kathy O.
    Third Grade Doodles

  14. How fun this is...I need to go check it out. Love all your ideas Lori!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  15. I am so glad I found your blog - what fabulous ideas!!! Can't wait to try the tabletop twitter :) thanks for sharing!! I am happy to be your newest follower!

  16. Vicky, thank you so much! Glad you stopped by!

  17. Thank you, Khrys, so much for the kind words! Tabletop Twitter is fun. :) Thank you for stopping by and following me. I am off now to check out your blog!
