21 December 2012

Pinterest Favorites

I am joining Michelle in her Pinterest Favorites Linky party!  How Fun!!  I love discovering great ideas on Pinterest and am happy to share with you my Pinterest boards and a couple of my favorite pinners to follow.

Go check out my boards and follow me on Pinterest if you like them!  You can do this by clicking on my picture below.  Then go check out and follow the pinners below.  :)

One pinner that I have pinned a lot from is A Teacher's Treasure.  I have pinned a lot from Mor for reading comprehension ideas.

great hands on for this plot structure concept.  Can't wait to use it next year.

Another pinner that I find just the cutest ideas that go along with picture books is Vickie Plant.  She has such fun and eye catching ideas!

pirates and maps

I hope you go check out these pinners and then in join Michelle's linky party too!


  1. Isn't Pinterest great! I'm now following ALL your boards:)
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  2. Pinterest is quite the tool. It makes me wonder what tool someone could ever invent that will be better, but no doubt something some day will come along that is.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. Love, love, love Pinterest! I spend too many hours on there, then I start to feel overwhelmed by all the great ideas that I want to try. I started following your boards, you have so much!

  4. These are great sources! Thank you for sharing and linking up.

  5. Thanks for sharing.found great boards to follow.Happy Holidays!
    LMN Tree>

  6. I agree, Barbara, Pinterest is great! Thanks for the follow. I follow you too. :)

  7. Thanks so much, Fern, for coming by! I thought Vickie made those pirates adorable. :)

  8. Tammy, someone somewhere will think of something and be the latest and greatest! Wish I thought that way. :)

  9. Thanks so much, Lee Ann! I agree, Pinterest can eat up your time quickly. :)

  10. Thank you Michelle! I'm glad you hosted this linky. It's been fun!

  11. Thank you Arlene! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  12. Thank you so much sharing your Pinterest finds!
    The Techie Teacher
