23 January 2013

Learn Me Good

I LOVE big books and I cannot lie!  Okay,  I love books big and small.  And I love talking about and sharing good books with others!  

Have you read this book?  A teacher friend of mine recommended this book and at the time it was free on my iPad with the Kindle app.  So I thought I would download it because you can't lose with free, right?  Turns out it's a very funny and enjoyable book!

The author, John Pearson, lost his regular job and became a third grade math teacher.  He chronicles his days with his third grade students...students much like those that are in our classes or have been in our classes at one time or other.  So funny!!  My family just looks at me when I am reading this because the stories he tells make me literally laugh out loud.  We've had these kids so we completely understand what he is going through in his first year of teaching.  

This book is no longer free on Amazon, but if you want to download it, it will cost you $2.99.  He also has a sequel, Learn Me Gooder.  It is also $2.99 and may be my next download!

Another book I am thinking about downloading is Tony Danza's I'd Like to Apologize to Every Teacher I Ever Had.  Have you read this book?  It just sounds like a book that a teacher would appreciate.  One where someone finally gets what we do and that we pour ourselves into our students and this job of teaching.  

I like non-fiction books and when I find one about teachers I am automatically interested.  Do you have any for me to add to my list of Books To Be Read?  I want to hear about them if you do!  :)


  1. Hi Lori,

    Did you know that there is a sequel, Learn Me Gooder? I haven't read Tony's book yet, but I'm off to download it on my Kindle!

    Take care,

  2. You gave such a good description, makes me want to read these books! Thanks for sharing!
    ~Did you get my email on the seat pockets?

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have seen Danza in interviews about education and he is very passionate- i may have to check that one out-

    Going Nutty!


  5. These books look awesome! Definitely putting them on my to-be-read-ASAP list.
    *off to download them on my Kindle... :)

    Joy in the Journey

  6. I don't have any to add but I definitely want to check these out now. I LOVE non-fiction books. =)
    The Daily Cupcake…A Kindergarten Blog

  7. I hear Donalyn Miller has written a new one. I'm sure I'll have to add it to my pile.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  8. Those look like great recommendations. Thanks, Lori!
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  9. I just finished Tony Danza's book. I really enjoyed it. It's a light read, but I felt like he really seemed to be trying, and was open about some of his failures as a teacher and how hard it was. It made me feel good to read someone so appreciative of teachers.

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

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  11. Wendy, I haven't read the sequel yet, but I bet it is funny too! You will have to let everyone know if you like Tony Danza's book. It sounds like it would be so good.

  12. Thanks for coming by, Amy! I didn't get your email. I will email you! :)

  13. Miss Squirrels, thanks for dropping by!! I thought Tony Danza's books sounded interesting too. :)

  14. Jessica, I hope you enjoy the books! I love getting a new book. :)

  15. Bobbie, we may have to exchange book lists! So hard to find another lady who enjoys non-fiction. :)

  16. I know, Tammy! I can't wait to see Donalyn's new books too. I am sure it will be filled with more great reading ideas.

  17. Thanks Barbara! Love to pass on interesting reads!

  18. Jenny, your review makes Tony Danza's book sound even better! Thanks for sharing!
