31 March 2013

April Currently

It is Currently time!  Don't you just love it?  Farley is hosting of course and it is a great way to see what is going on with all your blogger friends.  So read mine and comment, then go link up too!

I am watching The Apprentice and am amazed at the behaviors on this show! Some of these people are cut-throat,  Oh my!  And Gary...what can you say about Gary, who seems so out there in his thinking but a sweet and tender heart.  :)

I am loving that I am not having the Sunday night blues tonight since I have the next 2 days off.  But I really need to get some things done during those days.  

My advice is for bloggers and sellers.  Don't go into it thinking it will be a piece of cake or happen overnight.  It takes a while, but you will learn so many new things and build some great relationships along the way!

Now, go to Farley's blog and link up in the fun!

Oh' boy fourth grade


  1. I'm in the midst of cleaning too!

  2. I hope you enjoy the last two days of your break. I'm heading back to school tomorrow. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. Enjoy your last two days. Don't forget to do something fun for yourself.
    My Second Sense

  4. I watch the Apprentice, too. Yes--Gary--whoa! He's so weird!

    Thanks for the advice. As someone very new to all this, it's good to hear from those that have been at it for awhile and are successful that we should just keep at it. I'm so looking forward to the day when I sell my first product!

    Always an Adventure in Kindergarten

  5. There is always something to clean or wash. Thanks for stopping by to visit, Emily!

  6. Sorry your break is over, Tammy. It goes too fast!

  7. Thanks Tania! I will have to do something fun soon!

  8. Lisa, be patient with yourself and connect to other bloggers. They are wonderful to help you when you have questions along the way. That is exciting that you are working your way to selling! Good luck to you!

  9. I love Celebrity Apprentice! So glad Omarosa finally got hers-ha ha! Great advice-it really does take patience.


  10. Miss Trayers, was so glad that Omarosa got fired! Tired of her drama. :)

  11. Love your advice! So true- it's work but it's so fun and rewarding!


    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  12. Thanks Irene! I agree that it is so much fun and is rewarding. :)
