25 August 2013

Creating Accountable Talk

Creating Accountable Talk

As I prepare myself and move towards preparing my students for the common core standards, I think about how to "up my game" as a teacher.  Really, this is no different than any other new school year right?  Don't most of us as teachers just naturally try to "up our game" each year?  I know I am always striving to be better and trying to tweak how I do things to better my methods for my students.  So Common Core just adds to what comes naturally to us!

One of my goals this year is to increase my students' accountable talk.  My students, mostly struggling readers, find it difficult a lot of times having a deep discussion.  This comes from several reasons:  they sometimes lack confidence in their ideas and that they are "right", they are sometimes shy, they have not been held accountable to do it in their classroom so they haven't practiced it, they have fallen into learned helplessness- if I don't answer someone else will, etc... 

The Reading Writing Project will help me with this goal.  Have you ever visited this site?  You need to visit there and take a look around!  It has a wealth of information for you.  I am only going to talk about one part today- videos.  I don't know about you, but I LOVE good professional development.  But schools don't have a lot in their budgets for that, so that is where The Reading Writing Project comes in.  They have a number of different videos for you to choose from to watch for FREE!  And they are short, because teachers don't have a lot of time!

The Ensuing Accountable Talk Discussion of Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! (K-2) from TC Reading and Writing Project on Vimeo.

This video shows a teacher in the middle of teaching her young students to be accountable in their discussion about a book, Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!  She reminds them to not just give an opinion or connection to self, but to dig deeper- using more details and better explanations using examples from the text.  

I used this teacher's small chart to create a bigger anchor chart for Deeper Discussions.

creating accountable talk

I am hoping using (not just displaying) this chart will help my students as they grow as conversationalists and deeper thinkers about the texts we read!  I am determined not to hear so much blank air space as we discuss our texts this year!


  1. Great idea! I am planning to do this with my class! Thanks for sharing :)
    The Sweetest Thing
    Follow me on Bloglovin'!

  2. I love your chart for digging deeper. What an amazing website!! Thank you for sharing!

    Literacy Without Worksheets

  3. I am going to share that website with the teachers at my school- thank you so much!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  4. Thanks! I was planning to start this with my class, but I was unsure of where to begin!

    The Reinspired Teacher

  5. Increasing and deepening conversations is one of my goals as well, in both literacy as well as mathematics! Great ideas!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  6. This is an area I'd like to work on a lot more as well. Thank you for the video link. I'll for sure be watching.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  7. Sounds like a great resource- pinning it to look at soon!
    Learning to the Core

  8. Thanks Lauren! I hope the videos and chart help you with your class. :)

  9. Thank you Bridget! I hope the videos are helpful!

  10. You are welcome, Maria! I hope the teachers at your school find the videos helpful. :)

  11. Lori, I am glad you liked the video. I hope there are more there that you like!

  12. Thank you so much, Sally! I am glad that you liked it!

  13. Tammy, my students need a lot of practice in deeper conversations. I hope the chart and videos help your students!

  14. I hope that you find some videos that are helpful at that site, Aylin. Thank you for always dropping by!

  15. I have been reading the book "Pathways to the Common Core" and they refer to that website quite a bit. I was going to write a blog post about it too once I checked it out. I will make sure to have my readers check out your post too! Thanks!!!
