28 December 2013

Classroom Organization, Management & Decor

Our Christmas break has been wonderful!  Lots of family, food, and fun.  But now that Christmas is over, I am looking forward to the New Year and what needs to be focused on in my classroom and with my students.  

So some friends and I got together to offer you this amazing bundle for you to help you start off the new year organized, with new ways to manage your classes and with some great decor!  

I am so excited about this bundle because it includes new management techniques, behavior interventions, decor, forms, and all sorts of other organizational must haves!  It's only $10.99 and includes over 600 pages of items that can be quickly and easily implemented when you return to your classroom!

My Guided Reading Anecdotal Records Notebook has been chosen to be included.  But it isn't the only item.

There are 15 amazing products in this bundle!  It can help you get off to a great start in the New Year!  Here's a quick peek, but you can click any picture to head over the Educents post to read about each one!

It's only for a limited time so you won't want to miss out!  

Comment below one thing you want to change in your classroom and be entered to win one additional product from the listed participating stores!  {Oh you can pin something too for an extra entry!}

Being organized and having a fresh start helps me feel energized and enthusiastic about getting back to school once our break is over.  Which by the way, I think the break is going oh so quickly!!  Don't they always?  No matter how many days off I have, I always think "I really could have used just ONE more day"!!!

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your holiday!  


  1. I'm working on organizing my reading assessments and reading notes about groups and individuals better. I know you're an expert at this!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. I'm definitely not an expert, Tammy. :) You should post about more your reading notes. Would love to see them!

  2. As a new reading specialist, I want to find an efficient way to keep track of K-5 assessments, anecdotal notes, lesson plans, etc!! Need lots of help but I look forward to it!

    1. Congrats on being a new reading specialist! You will love it, Candy! Lots to learn and do, but very rewarding!

  3. In my first year as a literacy coach, each month that comes brings with it new experiences and a completely new journey. Right now, I am working on how to best help out my teachers while also providing the best interventions for my kiddos. I would like to change the way that I confer with kiddos and find a fabulous way to keep accurate and up to date records on my kiddos.

    1. Good luck to you, Carrie! Sounds like you are off to a great start to helping your teachers!

  4. The one thing I would like to change in my classroom is the calling out. I have a handful of students who always call out.

    1. Mrs. Makara, I understand what you mean about the calling out. That can be difficult for some students to resist doing! Good luck!

  5. I need to get better at quick reading assessments so I can move students up as soon as they are ready.

    1. Andrea, thanks for coming by! It can be hard to manage sometimes getting students moved when they need to be. Always things to be done!

  6. I need to really get more organized. I got a new kidney shaped table prior to break too, so I need to rearrange to get my room in working order.

    1. Sara, I hope you like your new table! You can do so much with it! Have fun rearranging your room. :)

  7. I would like to work with our AIG teacher a bit more. I need her help!
    My Second Sense

    1. Thanks for coming by, Tania! I hope you get the time with your AIG teacher that you need. :)

  8. Replies
    1. Cherie, assessments can take so much time! I definitely could use more organizing for that!

  9. I'd like to get more organized and open up the space in my classroom.

    Carol T.

    1. Carol, it seems I am always looking at my room and trying to figure out new and better ways to arrange it to make it more useful and organized. Good luck to you with yours!

  10. Hi Lori! Hope you are having a wonderful holiday! : )

    Whimsy Workshop Teaching

    1. Thank you so much for the holiday wishes, Susanna!

  11. I really want to be more organized!!

    1. Bev, I am always working toward being more organized too! Happy New Year!

  12. I want to be better at taking and keeping data. I started the year off taking monthly data for our portfolios and I take data biweekly but I feel like I still need to be more systematic about it....and I need to get back to the monthly data collection!

    1. Karyn, I like your ideas on keeping the data! I think we as teachers just run out of time for all we want to do!

  13. Replies
    1. I hear you, Barb! Report cards take so much time!

  14. I want to do a better job in guided reading. Having a class wide comprehension focus that ties into what we are learning whole group

  15. After just going back after a maternity leave, I am working on establishing my expectations for small groups and different procedures. It sometimes feels like the beginning of the year!! :)

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