11 June 2014

My Bucket List

We are working on our Summer Bucket Lists during summer school.  The kids are thinking of some really fun things they want to do over the next few months!  I'll share more of this item and their thoughts on Sunday!

Here is my Summer Bucket List:
1.  River raft in Colorado
2.  Get a little sun- it has been raining for what seems like weeks without stopping!
3.  Kayak at the lake
4.  Find a way to make summer last longer!  

What is on YOUR summer bucket list?  I would love to hear about it!


  1. Love your summer buckets - so cute! :) Mine is to do some relaxing and work on some PD sessions. :) And of course, to sleep in every day!! :) Thanks for linking up! Miss DeCarbo at Sugar and Spice

    1. Thank you! A little relaxing and some sleeping in sounds wonderful too!

  2. Missouri and precipitation. What's with that? Anyway, your list sounds fun, just add some sunscreen once the sun does come out. :)

    1. You are right, Tammy, need to watch it with the sun and wear sunscreen!
