17 January 2015

Focus Wall Organization

How to Organize Your Focus Wall

Yay!  It is Bright Ideas time again!  I hope you join me and my friends for some great ideas for your classroom.  

Anytime I use anything in my classroom, I need it to be easy to use and for it to be organized.  If it is not easy and organized, I just won't do it.  We do not have time for anything that isn't smooth and easy to use.  Now that we are well into our year, I don't spend a lot of time at the focus wall.  We just quickly go over the pieces.

How to Organize Your Focus Wall

For my different reading groups, I use different colored Post It notes to make it easier for the students to keep track of which labels are theirs.  

How to Organize Your Focus Wall

Keep your Post It notes in a caddie right by your Focus Wall.  I also recycle the labels.  I stick them to the wipe off board so they can be reused again instead of taking time to rewrite them.  By having examples of themes on the board, it helps give students some ideas to choose from too.

How to Organize Your Focus Wall

I also keep my comprehension posters right there at the focus wall to make it easy, peasy to switch out.

How to Organize Your Focus Wall

The posters fit well right into one of these crates that I keep in front of the board.  

Bright Ideas

If you enjoyed this Bright Idea post, please consider following my TPT store, on Instagram, and on Facebook for more great ideas!

For more bright ideas from a variety of other bloggers, please browse through the link-up below and choose a topic/grade level that interests you. Thank you for visiting! 


  1. I like the idea of having a focus wall. Thanks for sharing yours!
    Barbara Leyne Designs

    1. You are welcome, Barb! I really like using one to keep us on track!

  2. This focus wall seems much more useful than the Cafe bulletin board I'm trying this year. Posting reading strategies looked so good in the Cafe book, but I'm not finding it interesting to the kids - it's a reminder to me, but the kids aren't drawn to it. I LOVE your board - plus, everyone loves sticky notes. Thanks for this great idea!

    1. Thank you, Susan! I have found this Focus Wall helps me to remember to go over these fundamental text elements that I might forget to do otherwise. Makes it easier!

  3. I love this idea! We are going deeper with comprehension in 1st grade, so I will be trying this to help keep everyone focused on our learning goals! Thanks! :)
    Creating a Thoughtful Classroom

    1. Thank you Karli! I hope it helps you. It definitely helps to keep me on track!

  4. You're very right. If it's too complicated and unorganized it's not happening no matter how good the idea is.

    1. So true, Tammy! If it isn't something that just works and slides right in, it won't get used. :)

  5. Love your bright idea! My kids last year really loved the CAFE board, but this year they aren't as in to it (maybe because I'm not either)....I'm thinking this might be a better idea for next year! Thanks for sharing....your new blog design is absolutely gorgeous!!! Congrats! =)

    A+ Firsties

    1. Thanks Tanya! I just love the design too. Michelle did a fabulous job! Thank you for stopping by!
