04 January 2015

Running Records

Running Records Toolbox app

We've had our Christmas break and now it's time to be getting things ready to go back to school.  Not sure how my break went so fast!  It was a wonderful time to recharge and be ready to get back and dive into what we need to learn.

I do a lot (I have anywhere between 40-50 students at any given time) of running records with my kids.  Anything that can make doing them easier is a blessing!  Usually I am gathering up my sheets, timer, accuracy table, and calculator.  A lot of this is included in this running records app which will make things more streamlined and easy.

Running Records Toolbox app

I really like that the stopwatch is included right in the app.  Also that I can pause it without clearing the clock.  

Running Records Toolbox app

The graphics are really cute!  Here I can just enter the numbers for accuracy, error rate, and self corrections.

Running Records Toolbox app

The app calculates all three for you!  So easy!

Running Records Toolbox app

One neat thing that is included in this app that isn't in some apps is the symbols cheat sheet.  I know a lot of teachers when they are new to giving running records like having a cheat sheet to help guide them to the marks they should use.

Running Records Toolbox app

An accuracy table is also included to remind you about the percents.  This will help you decide where your student is at and what level of book you should choose next.

I am excited about this cute app and what all it can do.  It is called Running Records Toolbox and is only 99 cents.  What are you using when you do running records?  


  1. I have never heard of this. Maybe I'll give it a whirl!

    1. I had used another running records app in the past, Susan. But I think I will like this one even more!

  2. Thank you for posting this!!! I do paper/pencil running records. Do you find that the app lets you look at student growth pretty easily? I'm such a visual person, I like to line up RR over time for each student.

    1. You're welcome, Bridget! This app will just calculate and show you the cheat sheets. I record all my running records results in my Guided Reading Anecdotal Records Notebook. I am very visual too. I like to be able to go back over students scores over weeks' time and see if thy are improving and where.

  3. Thanks for sharing this! I will have to check this app out!!

    Mind Sparks

    1. You are welcome, Katie! I have used another app to do my calculations, but I think this one is better.

  4. The App looks amazing! I think this is the same one my friend uses. We're not required to set a timer or record the time for our first graders. Last year I had 24 kids in my class and now only having 18, I cannot believe how much faster I get through the Running Records! With 40-50 you do at a time, I bet you feel like you hit the jackpot with this App.

    Have a great first week back!


    1. Isn't it amazing how much more quickly you can move through assessments with just a few less students? So glad you came by!

  5. Those graphics are so very cute- looks like a very useful app! I'm like you...I do so many RR each week, so this is great that it makes your life easier! :)
    Have a great start back!
    Learning to the Core

    1. Thank you, Aylin! It is hard to believe that it is time to head back already! Have a wonderful week!

  6. What a handy app especially for you with as many RR that you do in a week's time. Marie Clay would be amazed!

    1. It is very handy, Tammy! I have used another running records app, but I like this one much better!

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this Lori. I hadn't heard about it before and I have shared it with my Ripper Resources (reading) FB group - it looks terrific!

    What a great blog post - thank you :)

    1. You are so welcome, Kylie! It really is a good running records app!

    2. Thank you for the share too, Kylie! I appreciate it!

  8. Oh my goodness, this sounds absolutely perfect. Can't thank you enough!
    Grade ONEderful
    Barbara Leyne Designs

    1. You are so welcome, Barb! I hope you like it as much as I do!

    2. Lori, I bought the app a couple of days ago and I've been using it the last two days and it's absolutely perfect! I was also at an Early Literacy meeting yesterday afternoon and I showed it to the other teachers (cause we were working on running records) and they loved it, too! So thank you again.

  9. This is such as cute app - I have always done my running records manually but this does look like a great time saver.

    Miss Jenny's Classroom

    1. Thanks Jenny! I think just having the calculator right there will help a lot!

  10. How cute! I'm going to have to check this out! It's time for our mid year assessments!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

    1. Good luck, Sally, with your mid year assessments! I hope your students do great!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This is a great app! I'll have to check it out. Thanks for sharing, Lori! I use the F & P leveling kit. It's nice because there's fiction and non for all levels. In first grade in my district, we only do errors and comprehension. We don't have a lot of help so doing fluency and writing would be too timely.

    Megan :)

    1. We don't do much timing in first grade either, Megan. I have heard a lot of good things about F & P kits! Thanks for coming by!
