05 May 2012

Shout Out Saturday!

Portable word walls!  Caitlin from Kindergarten Smiles has posted about her thematic portable word walls.  She is using these for her writing center to assist students with journal writing, writing stories and letters, etc...  Can't you just see how they could be helpful to students when writing informational text?  You need to head over to her blog to see the examples of student made portable word walls too!

Do you need ideas on how to display your students' work?  Stephanie from Teaching in Room 6 has posted some pictures of her room.  Her bulletin boards are beautiful and are a great way to show students how much you value their work and effort, not premade displays.  Be sure to go on over to Stephanie's blog and see her boards!

I hope you enjoy visiting these ladies' blogs today!  Let me know what you find that I should go check out too.  :)


  1. That's very sweet of you Lori to highlight what others are doing. You're very thoughtful that way! (I'll go check them out.)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Thanks for sharing these! I'm heading over to check out some new ideas. =)

    The Daily Cupcake…A Kindergarten Blog

  3. Thanks so much for the shout out Lori!! Have a fabulous weekend :)

    Kindergarten Smiles

  4. I love using portable word walls. The kids use them as a reference all the time. They can let their ideas flow and copy words they need to spell instead of worrying about sounding out each word. Thanks for sharing!
    Classroom Companion

  5. The portable word walls are such an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing.


  6. Tammy and Bobbie- I hope you enjoy these two blogs!

  7. Thank you so much, Caitlin! Thanks for sharing your word walls!

  8. Thanks Sandra and Ashley for coming by! I hope you enjoy both these blogs!
