06 May 2012

Accordion Class Made Books

Do you make books with your class?  Class made books are so popular with the students!  They will be read again and again since they are the authors and illustrators.  They value these books and will choose them over and over again to read. 

We have been doing The Little Red Hen and I found this wonderful poem to go with it.  

The last line of this poem is "A hen can't ________________ like you".  We choral read and echo read this poem over and over.  Then we moved to rebuilding the poem in the pocket chart.  I scramble the lines and the students must read to find out which line must go next in the poem now that we have read it so many times that they have it partially memorized.  It is important to build up their memory skills.  A lot of my struggling readers have trouble with this skill, so I like to build in memory work all that I can.

The kids loved the part where the hen says "Bawk, bawk, bawk"!  For the book part, the students chose things they could do well or liked to do that a hen can't do.  

sing a song
watch a tv
I put the pages together this time to make an accordion book.  Literally takes minutes!  All you need is wide clear tape.  Start with your last page face up and place the next to last page on top of it, face down.  Tape the edges together on the left side.  The next page goes face up on top of the next to last page and you tape the edges on the right side.  Just continue on until you have all of your pages taped together and wahhhlllaaa- accordion book!  It truly is just that easy! 


  1. Class books! Yea! You and I are birds of a feather. I like to make some of mine into accordion books too. The kids think those are pretty cool. As always, thank you for sharing real reading and writing with us.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. I love to make class books! This accordian idea is something I've only done with individual/student made books. I'll have to try this as a class book.
    Thanks for sharing!!

  3. LOVE it!! I postsed this link on my facebook page:) Great idea and had to share it!!
    1...2...3...Teach With Me

  4. I LOVE class books. This accordian idea is great! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Yes, Tammy, we do think alike! Thank you for always coming by. :)

  7. Connie, your class will definitely like them! You could make them into a couple of class books if one big book is too much. I'm pretty sure you think a lot like Tammy and me! So glad you come by!

  8. Tammy SF, that was so kind of you to share my post! I am so appreciative of that! Thank you!

  9. Sarah, I am so glad you liked it! Thank you for taking time to come by and see it!
