09 May 2012

Thinking Tables

Need a quick, fun way for students to review information?  Try doing a thinking table!  I have wipeoff tables in my room, so this works wonderfully.  If you don't have these tables, you can still do the thinking table by laying a big piece of paper over them.  
Let your students know what kind of information you want them to be writing, set your timer, and stand back!  We use dry erase markers every day in my classroom.  But I learned some time ago to only put out black markers for every day use.  Otherwise, we waste precious time looking for just the one color we like or arguing with our neighbor over the colors.  When we do thinking tables, I break out the colored markers and oh my the excitement level instantly rises!  Here is a short list of ideas for what you could use thinking tables for:
  • brainstorming writing ideas
  • character traits
  • informational text features found in their story
  • other ways to say "said" or "walk"
  • review of information studied in social studies or science

I have my students write, move around the table, write, and move around the table.  I want them to do a quick review, write all they can think of and read what others write as they go.  Fun, easy, and quick!  How could you use thinking tables with your students??


  1. Love this idea!! It would be great to have a table like that:)

  2. I never knew such a table existed. That's the coolest thing. Can you imagine a room full of thinking desks? Hmm. I can see the pros and cons. Anyway, I digress. I always enjoy seeing how your kids are thinking!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. I love your dry erase table, Lori!! I use small dry erase boards a lot in my classroom, but your table is AWESOME!!!

  4. I love my wipeoff tables, Tammy SF! Thanks!

  5. Tammy, some of our classrooms have the rectangular wipeoff tables instead of desks for the students. They love them!

  6. Connie, these tables are so motivating for the kids and so handy for me as I come by to help them. When they need help stretching a word when they are writing, it is so easy to do right on the table!

  7. Thanks Jessica! My students just love it!

  8. Thank you Barbara! I appreciate you coming by!

  9. Can you share where these tables are from? Thanks!

  10. Miss Shanaberger, I meant to look yesterday at school for where we got the tables and forgot! I am so sorry- I will try to remember this week. I think though that we got them from a school supply company like Classroom Direct or School Specialty. I don't remember it being any special place that we had to go to.

  11. Miss Shanaberger, you can get these type tables at www.demco.com Just search for markerboard activity table. I hope you can order one- you and the kids will love it!

  12. If you don't have those great tables, you can use dry erase markers and write on a regular desk and erase with a board eraser.

  13. Lori, I have heard that most desks you can write on with dry erase markers. I think I am afraid to try it! :) Thanks for the tip!

  14. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the info on where to buy!!

  15. You're welcome, Miss Shanaberger! I hope you can get a table or two.
