22 February 2015

A Spark of Inspiration Blog Hop

I have a new adventure that I am so excited about!  I am honored to be the newest author at the collaborative blog, A Spark of Inspiration!   We are celebrating a new look and name for the blog with FREEBIES and Gift Cards just for you!!  Whoo hoo!  

Thank you Jen, from Teaching in the Tongass  for sending visitors this way! You will want to be sure to stop at each place on the hop to receive a FREEBIE at each blog along the way and follow each one.  Check out the rafflecopter below for your chance to win one of two seriously great prizes!!

Here is your FREEBIE from me!  Click the picture below.

Sample of an ABC Cookie Sheet and Rice Box Activity Pack

Now it's time to head to your next FREEBIE!  Click the picture below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Those are some nice gifts! I could buy a few books with that Visa card. :)

    1. They were definitely some good gifts, Tammy! I could use some new books too. :)
