21 February 2015

Show What You Know!

Use A Show What You Know door and Post It Notes to informally assess student learning

Are you using exit slips?  They are a great way to informally & quickly assess whether students understood your lesson or not.  This is a quick and easy way to manage them!

Informally Assess student learning with Post It Notes

I like use different colors of Post Its for my different groups.  Makes it easier for me to see which groups or grades wrote what.  

I needed a way to do a quick check with my groups to see if they were understanding our word work.  We do our word work the first few minutes and then move on to our reading.  I just hand out Post Its right before they leave and they do a quick check over their word work.  

Use Post It Notes to informally assess student learning

As they walk out the door, the students stick their notes on the door.  Easy for me then to scan the door and see who "got it" and who didn't!  Plus, since I have them do it at the end of the lesson, I am stretching my little strugglers' brains to remember what they learned by building their memory skills.  Something they struggle with a lot.

Using Post It Notes to informally assess student learning

These Show What You Know can really show you who is ready to move on to the next skill and who isn't.  One thing I have found is that the off brand of Post Its do not stay stuck like the name brand does.  

Using Post It Notes to informally assess student learning

To put another spin on exit slips, I have students do a quick check on our wipe off tables.  We were working on cvc words here.  The kids love to write on the tables!!

This has been another Bright Ideas post!  I hope you enjoyed it!  If you are not already following me on Bloglovin, Facebook or Instagram, I would love to have you following me so you can get all the updates on what is happening!

For more Bright Ideas, from my blogger friends, take a look through the topics below.  You are sure to find some more great ideas!


  1. That's great!! I love the wipe off tables!! I wish I had that table in my room. I always wanted to do do exit slips but never tried it. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you Christer! We love the wipe off tables!

  2. what a great idea to use the top of tables or desks! I'm pretty sure the dry erase markers will work on our desks! I like the exit slips too! I think we will try both ideas! thanks again, Paula

    1. Paula, I have seen a lot of pictures where people used the tops of regular desks to write on. Hope it works for you!

  3. My school is talking a lot about formative assessments and exit tickets have come up a lit. I've used them a bit in math. I need to use them more deliberately in other areas too.

    1. Now that I use them more often, I am liking the exit slips, Tammy. For me, it is a matter of remembering and training the kids to be quick with them.

  4. I use exit slips too but I really like the post it note twist on yours!
    Grade ONEderful
    Barbara Leyne Designs

    1. The kids love the Post It notes, Barb. Whatever it takes, right? :)
