26 August 2012

Comprehension Cubes and Beach Balls

I use comprehension cubes and balls to build comprehension skills.

We all know that kids like to throw things, right?  I have even written a post about how we throw beach balls around in my classroom (click on here to read about this fun idea if you missed it before).

How about throwing or rolling balls and cubes to build comprehension skills?  These really are great to use!  The comprehension balls go with fictional stories and most of the cubes go along with informational books.

Comprehension balls that students toss to practice comprehension skills.

Of course, you can't see all the spaces in a picture.  But these comprehension balls have questions that go along with the common core for reading literature.  Some of the questions are:

What is the title and who is the author?             My favorite part was ...
Who are the main characters?                                The setting was ...
What is the setting?                                                     The main characters were ...
What happened in the story?                                  In the beginning ...
How did it end?                                                              In the middle ...
What is your favorite part?                                    At the end ...

But my favorite are the comprehension cubes!  They are great for addressing some of the common core on reading informational text.

Using comprehension cubes with informational text to build comprehension skills.

There are too many questions on the cubes to write them all for you but some of the questions that I like are:

Tell about the words you learned.
Tell why you liked or disliked this story.
What would I like to know more about from this book?
What topic did the author write about?
Where could I go to learn more information?
From the photos and illustrations, I learned ...

These cubes and balls can be used in a whole group setting after reading a book or they can be used in small groups.  You could even use them in literacy centers.  They are just another way to get in comprehension practice, but in a different way than normal.  I like to mix things up a bit and keep it interesting for the students!  I'm pretty sure they like it anytime they get to throw gently toss things in class!


  1. I use those in my classroom and my students love them! We usually use them in small groups ( a little less chaotic!).

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  2. I've used the beach ball one in my classroom and the kids loved it.

  3. Those are great nonfiction questions for even people like me who don't have the cubes. You're very right. They fit perfectly with the common core. Thank you for sharing.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  4. Love Love Love the beach balls! I have done this before! Your questions are great!
    Literacy Minute

  5. Any thoughts on questions that could go on a science cube?

  6. I agree, Sara, the kids so love them!

  7. Connie, these are great to use, but I do really think that the kids love anything they can throw! :)

  8. Thank you Tammy for always coming by! Those do work well for informational books.

  9. Thank you so much Sandi! They are a lot of fun and so worthwhile doing.

  10. Rosie, I appreciate you coming by! Maybe you could make your science questions specific to each area you are studying.
