24 August 2012

Twitter Linky

Do you use Twitter to connect with other professionals?  Twitter is another great way to connect with other teachers.

I have been on Twitter for a while now.  But I must admit, I am still learning about it!  I send out "tweets", but I know I am not using it like I could be.  

So I thought I should join this Twitter Linky and learn!  Isn't that what teachers do?  We know we want to do something better so we learn from the people who can teach us!

Join in the linky with me!  If you haven't signed up on Twitter, why not start now?  Then join up and learn with the rest of us!  

You  join up with the linky and post your Twitter link so we can all follow each other.  Read all the great tips that are being posted so you can learn more about Twitter and how it can best help you to connect!

Come follow me and some of the great people I follow! 

Twitter Linky

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