21 August 2012

I Love To Read Frame

I love to read frame to take pictures of students in

I have been seeing these cute 1st day of ... frames, but I am not super creative.  Have you seen some of those Nailed It! pictures where people try to make something they have seen on Pinterest that is oh so cute and lovely?  Then they try to make it and it turns out messy, looking like a 2 year old made it and all horrible- like a train wreck?

Well, that is what I am always afraid will happen when I try to make something!  But my friend, Tammy over at Forever in First, sparked an idea for me that I thought I just might, maybe be able to do.  She made a 1st Day of School frame and you can see this cute creativity here.  

I teach reading, so I don't have students on the first day.  But I like those frames!  So I made one, but made it to fit my situation and need.  

I will be using this frame to take pictures of my students.  I will have them hold up the frame and get their picture looking through it.  I can't wait to see my students' sweet little faces looking back at me through a frame that says they like to read!!

Then the pictures will go up on the wall or bulletin board attached to their work that is being displayed.  I find that pictures of students with their work creates more interest in the bulletin board.  

When I get pictures taken and  put up with the students' work, I will have to take more pictures of that to show you!  But for now, I am going to just enjoy that my frame turned out okay and hopefully isn't going to make it into one of those Nailed It! pictures!  :)

Tara at 4th Grade Frolicks has Monday Made It and I am joining in on the fun!  See the other great crafts made by clicking on her button below.  Not a Nailed It it the whole bunch!  


  1. What a great idea! I think you nailed it! (And thanks for sharing about my little blog.)

  2. I love it! I work with struggling readers, and so I thought I couldn't do a frame since I don't have a class. You really "nailed" the idea!! Where did you get the frame?

  3. Thank you, Tammy, for inspiring me to make a frame for my room! :)

  4. Thank you, Lee Ann! I made the frame out of poster board. Then I printed the letters and pictures, cut them out and mod podged them on to scraps of poster board. Then I cut those out and mod podged on the top of the letters. Afterwards, I glued them to the poster board. Easy, just several steps!

  5. Great job! They will look so cute in their pictures!
    Literacy Minute

  6. Your frame looks fabulous! I'm very impressed, Lori!
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers

  7. Thank you so much, Sandi! I can't wait to see how they turn out. :)

  8. Aww,thanks Barbara! I was kind of impressed myself that it turned out okay. :)

  9. I have wanted to have one of those too, but I wondered how I would work it out. Great idea! I will be making one of these as I start with students this week!

    Reading Toward the Stars!

  10. Thanks Andrea! I had been seeing these type frames but didn't think they would work for me until I thought of this.

  11. I'm a reading specialist too and I love your twist on the frame idea. Thanks for sharing!

    Read with Me ABC

  12. Thanks Wendy! I loved those first day of... frames so I had to think of a way that would work for me too!
