21 June 2013

5 For Friday and Summer is Here!!

I have several reasons to be happy today!  One of them is it is time for Five for Friday hosted by Doodle Bugs Teaching.  If you haven't joined in on the fun, today is your day to join us.  Just Do It!

A Birthday!

One reason I am so happy is it is my baby's 18th birthday!!  I really am not sure how that has happened.  My adorable baby has somehow turned into a young man.  Graduation...birthday...college in the fall...so many changes.  But he is ready for the next steps in his journey.

RtI Files Finally Completed

I finally got my RtI files all completed!  I procrastinated got busy and didn't get them done until last night.  Just in time to take them all back to school for the summer.  See the arrow?  It is pointing to a stack of files representing students who improved so much in their reading levels that they have been moved out of Tier II and back to Tier I!!  So proud of them!

Last Summer School Field Trip

This week's summer school field trip was to a fun place where we got to play laser tag and miniature golf!  This is not a picture of us, but it looks similar to where we went.  The kids LOVE laser tag!  I think they would be happy to play it all day long!

Last Day of Summer School

My other reason for being so happy is today is our LAST DAY OF SUMMER SCHOOL!!!!  Can you tell I am excited?  We've had fun and it has gone by fast. But I am ready for a bit of a break.  :)  This is some of my packing and bare walls.

Stack of Neglected Reading Material

This is my stack of neglected magazines that I will now have time to read.  I hope!  Look how far behind I have gotten.  My!  Some are still in the plastic wrap they came in.  So sad...Does anyone else get so far behind in reading books and magazines now that you blog?  I am still reading, but my time for books and magazines has definitely suffered.  Time to get back to it!

Happy first day of summer!!


  1. Happy last day of summer school and Happy Birthday Nathan!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Happy last day!! That field trip looks like so much fun!

    Apples and Papers

  3. Hi Lori,

    My sons are going through the end-of-high-school-and-college years now as well, and sometimes I wonder how that happened! Sometimes it feels like the world stands still because I'm always spending my days with 6 year olds doing the same trips and lessons...then I come home and those little babies I had are 6 feet tall and patting ME on the head as they fly out the door! Ah well... it's just another wonderful phase of motherhood. :-)

    Whimsy Workshop 

  4. I love laser tag :) I can't imagine my little ones all grown up. I often wish I could just freeze time!!!

    Literacy Without Worksheets

  5. Happy Birthday to your son and Congratulations on your students' growth! Way to go Lori!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  6. Sounds like you are ready for summer! Have fun catching up on your neglected reading materials. :) I've been doing some of that myself!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  7. As a library girl, still reading the books BUT will admit I have let most of my mag subscriptions run out. There's only so much time in the day!

  8. Happy BDay to your son!
    I have a stack of mags and books as high as my night table, not to mention the books on my iPad. I feel your pain:))

  9. Lori-I came across your blog via the Five for Friday linky. I'm a reading specialist in Virginia. I've been selling materials on TPTs for a year now, but I'm just getting my blog going. Love the many ideas you've shared, and I hope my blog will get there! Slowly and steadily! I signed up to follow your blog...thanks for sharing so many great ideas and pictures.

  10. Congrats on your last day and first day of vacation! (I have 4 more... I'm so jealous!) I also have a pile of magazines waiting for me, plus a gazillion projects!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  11. What a lovely blog - I am a new follower and found you through 5 for Friday. Have a great summer and think of us here in Aus with winter here.
    Paula from Paula’s Place and iSURF Maths

  12. Thanks Tammy! It was great to have the last day of summer school and Nathan's birthday!

  13. Thanks Jessica! We had a lot of fun on that field trip

  14. Susanna, I am in wonder too at how fast time goes by and how fast they grow up!

  15. Thank you Emily! Happy summer to you also!

  16. Bridget, the laser tag was fun!

  17. Thank you Joanne! I was very pleased with their growth. :)

  18. Thank you Jennifer! I am trying to get some reading in!

  19. Sara, I agree that there is just not enough time each day to get in my reading and everything else I want to do!

  20. Thanks Barbara! My son had a good day. We both just need more time to read!

  21. Carla, so glad to have you here! It takes a while to build up on a blog and on TpT. Just keep at it and have patience!

  22. Thanks Sally! By now, you should be out. Enjoy the rest of summer!

  23. Thank you for visiting and following, Paula! I am off now to your blog!
