19 June 2013

My Teacher Always Says... Freebie

My friend, Tammy, is having her first linky!  She is the author over at Forever in First and you should link up with your favorite saying that you always say to the students.  

You know how it goes...you tend to say say things to your students over and over to where they can finish your sentences for you!  

I am always working to get my struggling readers to think deeper.   My goal is to get them to think deeply about what they are reading.  To get away from surface level thinking.

So I am always saying...What is your thinking??  Or what level are you thinking at?

The fabulous Michelle, at The 3am Teacher, designed this poster for me!  I like to demonstrate surface level thinking vs deeper level thinking with a golf ball.  In one clear glass of water drop a plastic golf ball.  It will float.  That shows students surface level thinking.  But when you drop a real golf ball into the water, it goes deeper- to the bottom.  They then have something physical to associate what level of thinking I am asking them to do.  When they give me surface level answers for reading comprehension , all I have to do is ask "what is your thinking?"  

We spend a lot of time in my room trying to dig to deeper levels of what authors are trying to reveal to us.  Which goes so well with the common core and close reading.  

If you would like to grab this poster, click on it above.  The link will take you to my TpT store where you can grab it and 3 other reading posters for free!  Please remember to follow my store if you download the poster.  Thank you soooo much for that!  

Now don't forget to go link up with your favorite saying!


  1. Thank you Lori for linking up. I can always count on you to show my blog all kinds of love. I've always loved your golf ball analogy. Your kids are blessed to work with a teacher who doesn't just care about the surface stuff but cares about deeply understanding and enjoying reading! :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Thank you, Tammy, for having the fun linky! I appreciate your support on what is going on at my blog and in my classroom!

  3. When I taught reading I always told them the difference between thick and thin questions/thinking, but I am going to start using this analogy! It's concrete and does a much better job of showing them how to dive in to figure things out!


  4. I love your graphic. I think it will help my Ks understand deep thinking.

    rubberboots and elf shoes

  5. I like this!! Thanks. I look forward to incorporating it into my teaching!
    Curious Firsties

  6. Thank you, Tammy, for allowing me to link up with you. It was a fun linky!

  7. Thank you Shannon! I found the golf ball analogy out there on the web. It is a good one!

  8. Thank you Sandi! The golf balls do help them to understand a little better what you are asking of them.

  9. Thank you Em! It is such a concrete way of demonstrating what we expect the students to do.
