07 June 2013

It's Time for 5 for Friday!!

It's finally Friday!  And what a busy week it has been!  Be sure to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching and join in the fun.  :)

1.  Texas Land & Cattle Steakhouse:  My husband and I went out to eat here on Sunday after church.  He of course ordered the steak and I got the steak nachos.  YUMMY!  These are so good and not too big of a meal.   

2.  Letter, Word & Sentence Sorting:  We are currently in our second week of summer school.  One of my little guys worked on this sorting activity this week and finally understands the difference between the 3 pieces.  We would count letters in the words and count the words in the sentences to extend the lesson a bit. 

3.  Coffee!:  It is technically summer vacation, so I am staying up later and later.  But I am teaching summer school, so I am still having to get up early.  It is getting harder each morning to get up!  This is the flavor that I have been using this week in my Keurig Coffee Maker.  I make a cup to drink at home and then one to take with me to school.

4.  Guilty Pleasure:  The Bachelorette...No front runners yet that I like.  A lot of guys on there this time that I don't really like.  I'm a little embarrassed to even say I watch this show.  :)

5.  Field Trip Time!!:  Each week we get to take a field trip for our summer school group.  This week we went to CiCi's Pizza.  The kids took a tour of the kitchen and refrigerated section, made pizzas, and of course consumed mass quantities of food!!!  Who knew second and third grade kids could each eat 16 slices of pizza, 8 slices of cheesy sticks, 6 cinnamon rolls and endless refills of soda??  Okay, maybe they didn't eat quite that much, but it couldn't be that far off.  Kids on field trips to a buffet can eat I tell you!


  1. Steak sounds really good right now...

  2. You can take field trips in your summer school?! That is something I want our program to do! How do you manage it? Does the district pay for the busing/trip or do the parents pay?


  3. I am the queen of TV guilty pleasures!! I always end up watching all the shows that feature high school drama!! Oh, what is wrong with me!!!

  4. I just started watching The Bachelorette again this year! I watched it all throughout college, but stopped. So glad I started watching again this season! It is so crazy.

    Oh, and that coffee looks AMAZING!

    Second Grade Nest

  5. I love touring the pizza places, I took my Girl Scout troop to one and it was a lot of fun! Looking forward to hearing about your next field trip!
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

  6. I love Nachos and those look delicious! That's great that summer school takes field trips. I like that idea. Glad to hear you are enjoying your summer.


  7. I watched the Bachelorette last week and took all kinds of flack for it from my hubby and two teenage boys! I've never seen that coffee before - YUM!
    Whimsy Workshop 

  8. I don't watch the bachelorette, but I have a horrible addiction to Real Housewives of New Jersey! Everyone has to have a guilty pleasure :)

    Three Cheers for First Grade!

  9. Don't worry-I too share your same guilty pleasure! It gives me a reason to like Mondays a little bit more (although in the summer I don't mind Mondays at all!) No front runners for me yet either-hopefully they will come soon!

    I love that your kiddos get to go to Cici's for a field trip! What an awesome and memorable experience for them!

    Good luck with summer school-it looks like your kiddos are learning lots!

    Learning to the Core

  10. Those nachos look scrumptious! I remember teaching Kinders (for 6 years) so that is a MAJOR accomplishment for some! :)


  11. Love the sort. What a great idea. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great weekend.

    School Is a Happy Place

  12. I join you in my Bachelorette embarrassment! The pizza field sounds like fun.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  13. With 2 teenagers in the house, I don't need tv for drama! Ha ha.(wouldn't trade them for all the glam on bachelorette!) I just placed the sort activity on my wish list at tpt! I'm going to have to get it before school starts. It looks so fun.

  14. Lori - those steak nachos look sooo yummy! Summer just began for me. Whoo-hoo!!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  15. Hi Lori! Thanks for your comment on my blog - I hope the two freebies get you results as amusing as mine did. Apparently I say "When you make bad choices, bad things might happen" quite a lot in my class because 6 of the kiddos wrote that as advice to the Wolf! Oh well! :-)

    Whimsy Workshop 

  16. I watch Bachelorette too Lori! And, I agree, no front runners yet. :O)
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  17. Ok--I am totally sucked into your post because of all the food! So many great food pictures and I am now hungry (even though it is only 9 in the morning!) Oh and coffee! The best part of my morning :)

    Curious Firsties

  18. You and I are kindred spirits - I am sure of it! FOOD COFFEE and the Bachelorette!! Thanks for you post I loved reading it!

    The Perks of Teaching Primary

  19. Lori, I am teaching this summer too, but only for two weeks! I enjoyed reading your post. I want some of those nachos! They look great!
    Sandi atLiteracy Minute

  20. Emily, the steak and the steak nachos were really good! :)

  21. Maria, the school district pays for the buses and the parents pay for the weekly field trips. We try to pick things that are not too expensive. Lots of fun!

  22. That is funny, Christina, that you like all the high school drama kind of shows! They can be fun to watch. We just don't want to go through any of that drama ourselves! :)

  23. Jessica, The Bachelorette is crazy! I cannot imagine putting myself in that kind of situation. :)

  24. Shawna, I like touring the pizza places AND eating at the pizza places! Fun and good food!

  25. Corinna, the field trips are great! Makes the weeks go by faster too. :) And I agree, nachos are so good!

  26. Susanna, that is so funny that you say that about your husband and 2 boys give you grief over the Bachelorette. My hubby and 2 boys (especially my boys) give me major grief for watching "trashy tv". They just don't understand how fun it is.

  27. That is right, Annie! Everyone needs to have at least one guilty pleasure tv show. :)

  28. Amanda, the kids LOVE going to CiCi's for their field trip. They love to make the pizzas and then of course eat all they can hold!

  29. Shannon, those nachos WERE scrumptious! It's a good place to eat. :)

  30. Thank you, AMonroe! The kids like that sort too and some really need it to understand that concept.

  31. I like that we have the Bachelorette in common, Tammy! So fun and so silly at the same time. :)

  32. Thanks so much, Sara! I hope that you like the sort and that it helps your students this next year. :)

  33. Vicky, the nachos were so good! Congrats on starting your summer vacation. Enjoy!

  34. Susanna, isn't it funny when our students copy the things we say in class? We know they are listening. :)

  35. Joanne, hopefully as time goes on, the some of the guys on the Bachelorette will start to stand out. :)

  36. Em, food pictures have the same effect on me- they make me hungry! I love my morning coffee too! :)

  37. Shelley, between the food, coffee, and Bachelorette we MUST be kindred spirits! :)

  38. Sandi, only 2 weeks of teaching summer school? That sounds great! Enjoy after your two weeks are done!
