29 June 2013

July Currently

Is it just me?  Does anyone else feel like they have so many things they want to accomplish this summer and are feeling like it is going too fast?  

To Do List:
deep cleaning in the house
wash windows
clean light fixtures
create the gajillion ideas that are in my head
read my stack of magazines
finish my book
start my professional reads for this summer

And that list doesn't even include going places and having fun this summer!  Those things go without saying that you have to do them!  

Enjoy your summer Saturday and have fun!  Link up with Farley!


  1. This summer has gone by ridiculously fast! Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who feels that way. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have this time off.

    Good luck with your to do list!
    Eberopolis: Teaching Reading & Writing with Technology

  2. Aw Lori, I am so happy you have the summer off :) That is wonderful... I am still full time working, but I will try and take time for myself just like your tip says :)

    Laura Love to Teach

  3. All I can say is .... YES!!!

    Curious Firsties

  4. So true to enjoy the summer. Last summer I worked non stop on stuff for school, and then by the time school started I was burned out. Thanks for the reminder! Have a great weekend!

    I Love My Classroom
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  5. I wish we had summer from summer solstice to fall equinox. That would be the best break ever!! Haha!
    ideas by jivey
    Follow Me On Facebook! :)

  6. Maybe I should put some fun on my "to do" list! I have tons of ideas rolling in my head for projects!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  7. I've actually gotten a little nervous that my to-do list does not have much crossed off yet! :) I'm still teaching summer school though, so maybe when I have the whole days to myself!


  8. The summer is going a little fast I'd say. Maybe July will go by uncommonly slow. One can only hope!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  9. Thank you Miss Nelson! Happy summer to you too!

  10. Thank you Alison! I have got to slow this summer down!

  11. Laura, you must take some time for yourself! You are too busy! :)

  12. Thanks Em! Having fun and having lots to do just makes it go too fast!

  13. Emily, I try to squeeze in all I can for school during the summer too. It is easy to burn out!

  14. Oh, I like your idea, Jivey! That WOULD be a great break!

  15. Yes, Sally, put some fun things on your to do list! But I understand about all the ideas!

  16. Miss Trayers, it definitely gets easier to accomplish some things once summer school is done!

  17. Tammy, I am really hoping July slows waayyy down! I need more time!

  18. Summer needs to slow down big time. I have had such high hopes for getting everything done, but I haven't made much headway yet.

    Yeehaw! Teaching in Texas

  19. I'm with you. Every summer I have a HUGE to do list. Summer will be gone before we know it. It gets shorter every year. Happy July!

  20. Me too Sarah! I still have a long to do list and haven't gotten a lot done on it!

  21. Elizabeth, it is only July 3 and I can already feel this month going too fast! Happy July to you too!
