30 June 2013

Summer Literacy Folders and Syllable Counting

Literacy Packs

Summer school let out about a week ago for my school.  The last week of summer school I handed out these colorful Summer Literacy Folders to my reading students.

Literacy Packs

The folders had different activities in them depending on the student's grade and needs.  My in-coming kindergartners got their first and last names in a plastic sleeve and a dry erase marker so they could practice learning to write their names.  We worked on these during summer school.  I also put in ABC cards so they could start learning their letters before school starts.  I tried to place things in their folders that would be easy for them to practice on with a parent. 

Literacy Packs

For the older students, they received 3 Reading A-Z books on their level and sight word cards.  I spent some time trying to choose books for each student that they would be interested in reading.  Reading A-Z is such a great resource for this!  

Literacy Packs

I also placed a parent letter into the folder.  The letter had been copied onto colored paper to make it easier for parents to find it and hopefully read it.  The letters were also tailored to the grade and level of each student.  

I am really hoping that these folders will get some use this summer from my students.  If they would use them even just once per week, I would be thrilled!

Syllable Counting Literacy Center

I just finished this syllable counting pack up!  I have been needing some syllable activities for my kinder reading groups and some of my RtI intervention groups.  In this pack I included 3 different counting syllable activities and 2 different assessments.  I have to give weekly progress monitoring assessments for RtI so I thought others might need that too.

Syllable Counting Literacy Center

"Friendly" Syllable count is a good way for students to count syllables and work on learning to read each other's names.  Little guys love to work with names!  The name plates in the pack are editable so you can type in your class names before printing!

Syllable Counting Literacy Center

In the syllable sorting, students choose one of the 30 picture cards.  Then they say, clap & and count the syllables.  The picture card is then placed on the correct sorting mat.

Syllable Counting Literacy Center

Syllable graphing is a fun activity!  They draw a card, say the word, clap and count the syllables. Students draw the picture and write the word, then color the graphing boxes.  

Syllable Counting Literacy Center

Click any of the syllable pictures or click here to see this syllable counting pack.

The syllable counting goes with this Kindergarten Assessment Binder.  This binder contains ways to keep all of your assessment data organized and in one place.  One of the areas that can be assessed is syllables.  I am making packs of activities and assessments that go with this binder.  Rhyming is next!

This is the alternate cover that is included in the Kindergarten Assessment Data Binder.  Just click the picture if you want to check it out.

Enjoy your Sunday!  We are having a cookout today with family.  Fun times in the summer!

Don't forget to follow me in the Google Friend Connect and the Bloglovin button on my sidebar!  I have been doing both since Google Friend Connect is supposedly not going away for now!

Do you have some great assessment ideas?  Link up with Teaching in the Early years!


  1. Wow Lori,
    This looks like such a great pack if parents use it. I use to get frustrated because our parents would love receiving the work but did not use it with their student during the summer. This is a lot of work but well worth it if families make use of it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Those packets look awesome. Your students are SUPER lucky! I love the name idea!! I'm going to use it this fall :) I really like sending home Reading A to Z books, except I am terrible at assembling them!!!!

    Literacy Without Worksheets

  3. Your literacy folders are so cute! They will be a great resource for parents to use over the sumer with their kiddos. I've printed out a copy of each A-Z book for every level. Then I let students place an 'order' the books that they want for the summer (at their level).

    They are so excited to get their summer book order (Ten A-Z books in a ziplock bag with a fancy label). I may have to use the colorful folder next year!

    Read With Me ABC

    P.S. Our copy center now has the ability to assemble and staple A-Z books, so I no longer have to do that step!!!

  4. You are so very organized. I can only imagine how much time it takes to service that many kids in the way that you do, but of course, it's time well spent. Lucky kids!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  5. Oh, I want that syllable pack! It looks fabulous!

  6. I love the idea of a summer literacy folder for students. I'll be going into my second year as a middle school literacy coach, so it is definitely something that I'm going to bring up to my literacy team for next school year. It seems that many students "lose ground" during the summer. What a great way to try to prevent this!


  7. This is such a great idea! I pinned this so that I remember to do it next summer!

    A Rocky Top Teacher

  8. Hi Lori! So impressed with those summer folders...wow! I'm sure you'll get more summer readers with something so thorough and organized! This year I had 14 students who graduated from intervention (yay!) but only JUST barely, so I was very insistent with parents that they continue reading (One parents looked at the schedule and said "Oh, give me a break!" ha!) I even have a spot for parent signatures after each reading task and a prize for those who return the signed sheet to me in the fall! We'll see if it works!
    Whimsy Workshop 

  9. I have had the same frustrations, Fran. It is frustrating when we provide the materials and they aren't used. I decided I would still do my part and provide for them and then it would be up to them if they used them. Hopefully at least a few will. Thank you for coming by my blog, Fran!!

  10. Thank you Bridget! I don't like assembling the books either. Time consuming! Thanks for coming by!

  11. Erica!! Thank you for purchasing that syllable pack! I hope it fits your needs and that you like it. :)

  12. Thank you, Kasey! I find that a lot of my students slide back during the summer also. I hope you and your team can come up with something that works for your students!

  13. Thank you Janaye! That is so nice of you to say. Thanks for coming by!

  14. Thank you Sarah! I appreciate the pin and I hope that the summer folders work for you next year!

  15. Thanks so much, Susanna! I hope that the parents will remember to help their child use the folders this summer. It is discouraging when they aren't willing to help their child. Great job on getting so many of your students out of intervention group!! Yay!

  16. I love the idea of using their names for syllable practice... lots of skills in that one activity :)

    Kindergarten Celebration

  17. Thank you Melissa! Kids just love using their names in activities. :)
