16 June 2013

RtI Intervention Boards

If you have been with my on this blog for very long, you may have read some of my Response to Intervention (RtI) posts.  Our school has implemented RtI and it is something I believe is worth while doing.  

Our school's RtI looks different today than it did when we first implemented it.  It has taken a lot of research, reading books and articles, watching videos, and trial and error to get to where we are now.  And of course, it still is not perfect.  I try every year to tweak it and find ways to improve the efficiency, make it run more smoothly, and improve the overall instruction.  

I have taken a lot of the images from my posts and created a Pinterest board for RtI resources and materials.  Other resources, like books by Mike Mattos, are pinned there too.  If you ever get a chance to attend one of his conferences and you are interested in RtI, GO!  He is really good and his ideas helped our school a lot in the process of getting this going.  

Click the image below and join my RtI Pinterest board.  I would love for you to leave the link to your RtI board too if you have one.  I love learning something new from you all!!

Happy Father's Day to my dad and to all the father's out there!!!  Enjoy the day!

My dad in his fancy, fun car!


  1. Lori, I'm headed over to look at your Pinterest board right now!

    Literacy Without Worksheets

  2. Thanks Bridget! I hope my RtI board gives you some ideas!

  3. Thanks Tammy! RtI is an ongoing learning process for sure!
