03 November 2013

A Week Full of Spiders!

spider from Reading A-Z book

This has been the week of spiders for my class!  But only the kind found in books or in our writing.  Although the colors on this spider are really pretty! But the real kind was not going to be found in my room...one little kinder girl was quite disappointed to walk in and find not one spider.  She just knew that my room was going to be filled with spiders when she walked in!!  No way, no how!  Sorry sweetie!

spider activities

Even though there weren't any real spiders crawling around, we did manage to have a lot of fun and do a LOT of learning about them.  My younger students created these little spider guys.

spider activities

We made K-W-L charts in several grades and found out we did not know all that much about spider webs before reading.  Then we compared the amount of knowledge we had after reading and were amazed at how much we can learn when we read!

spider activities

After reading spider books from Reading A-Z, we did some writing about what we learned and found cool.  The writings on the left are from a couple of kindergartners ( Webs are sticky and Webs are round.)  and the ones on the right are from first grade.

Interactive Reader's Notebook

This is from one of my reading groups and how they are using sticky notes to code what they read.  These Sticky Note Your Thinking are from my Reader's Notebook- an interactive notebook with very little cutting and gluing.  My time is limited and we just don't have time for that.  Students code information as they read and then discuss it later.  

Interactive Reader's Notebook

What they code can also be used in their writing about the subject.  One girl liked coding so much that she was using it in her classroom when she read!  That is when I know information that I am teaching is truly being learned if they apply it in other places than just in my room!

Kindergarten also used these cute counting spider books.  We used them to count words, track print, and find the sight word see.

My kinders need more practice with ABCs and the order they come in.  I placed these spider web cards in my pocket chart and handed out the ones missing.  We sang our ABC song over and over for each card missing so students could place them where they belonged.

Another activity was to match the lower case letters to its mate.  This was a bit harder!  We need more practice.

word sorting

Older students did short vowel and long vowel word sorting.  It was a lot of fun to have all my groups learning about spiders this past week!  The materials were freebies on TpT and books from Reading A-Z.  Students loved having something spooky to learn about for Halloween week and I loved that everything coordinated and was differentiated for each group and what they could handle.  

Hope you survived the Halloween/Fall Harvest parties!  Happy Sunday!


  1. Ha Ha-yeah, there are limits to how far we'd go for real-world experiences--I definitely would not have had real spiders either! You guys sure learned a lot about spiders! :)


    1. Yes, Miss Trayers, there are definite limits to what I will do for my students and real spiders crawling around my room probably won't be one of them! Thank you for coming by!

  2. I'm with you. No real spiders would be present in my room either, unless they crawled their way there of their own accord. Sounds like a lot of fun learning took place though!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. No real spiders for me either, Tammy! We did have a good time learning about them though!

  3. I really like A to Z books, although that book looks a little too real!!!!! I think they have some great non-fiction topics :) I love your coding notebook!!!!!

    Literacy Without Worksheets

    1. I agree, Bridget, A-Z books have some really good ones. The pictures in the spider books were a little creepy for me! Of course, that made the kids love them.

  4. I like the idea of having students fill in the alphabet with missing letters- I will try that with my group this week!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

    1. Maria, filling in the alphabet is a really good activity. I have several that are having difficulty remembering the ABCs. Singing it so many times (we sang it each time we came to a missing letter) and it was good for them to match the letter visually with the letters they sang. :)

  5. Looks like so much fun! Our new reading series really limits what I can do with my students, which drives me crazy! I have been doing what I know is right for the kids instead in hopes of helping them really learn to read. The missing letters idea is perfect for next week! So glad you could make spiders "cute"!

    Reading Toward the Stars

    1. Thanks Andrea! I am sorry that your reading series doesn't allow for you to deviate much from it. I am blessed that I don't have to follow a series or program. Puts you in a tough spot. Hope your students like the missing letters idea. :)
