06 November 2013

Eggy App & Ereader Books!

apps for kindergarten and first grade

I have an new app to share with you today and a new idea about downloading and using ereader books on your iPads.  I cannot wait to begin to use these books!

Have you tried the Eggy Alphabet app?  I really like this app.  It was free for awhile, but has since gone back to being a priced app.  I was able to get it while it was free, but you might want to get it anyway.  It really is a a good app with a lot to offer.

apps for kindergarten and first grade

Students can write their letter and then check it against the correct one.  I like that feature that they can check themselves.

apps for kindergarten and first grade

In Eggy Alphabet, students can listen to words and choose the beginning sounds.  The app keeps track of how many of these they get correct.  Then you can check the report to see how they are doing.  Each student signs in with their first name so they can all have progress reports.

apps for kindergarten and first grade

The app also has ending sounds and this picture shows how you can set it to ask the student if a picture begins with a particular sound or not.  They way if you are working with Mm, you can set it for just that letter sound.  Very good for extra practice or for tutoring!

ereader books for elementary

I am so excited to try these Reading A-Z books for the iPads!!  They are really cool and I think the students are going to just love having a different experience of reading by using the iPads.  There are several Reading A-Z books that are free to download.  Or if your school decides to fund it, you can purchase the whole set of books for a particular reading level.  This is something that I would like to look into farther.  Great way to give students another experience with technology, save time downloading and printing, and save paper!

ereader books for elementary

One of the neat features of these ereader books is Word Help.  If a word is underlined in blue in the story, students can tap it to be taken to a page that gives the definition.  Isn't that a great way for students to use a dictionary?  I think they would be more likely to use it to look up unknown words than when using a regular book.  

ereader books for elementary

There are non-fiction books too.  And at the end of the books there are comprehension questions that Reading A-Z has included.  I usually always by pass comprehension questions like that that are included, but the ones I have seen from Reading A-Z ebooks are really pretty good and worthwhile using.  

What about you?  Do you still read all or mostly regular books?  Or have you switched over to reading mostly on ereaders or the iPad?  I switched over to the ereaders and iPads a while ago and LOVE it!!  I thought I would miss the feel of a book.  But I don't!


  1. Oh my goodness, Lori, this is the perfect post for me because we're hoping to buy ipads for our school but we need to give our PAC a list of educational apps we'd use. Thank you so much!

    1. I hope you get the iPads, Barbara! We use ours in my room every day. You will love them and so will the kids!

  2. That eggy app looks like fun! I will have to look into it! The only problem is that Apple has cracked down on our district with app purchases, so it could take months for me to get it.

    I love using Reading A-Z. If you download the books into your dropbox, you can read them on the ipad. The only bad part is that you don't get word help. We have been doing that for some of the books, and the kids think it is great! Plus, we use raz-kids too on the ipads. Again, this is perfect for extra practice.

    Thanks for sharing the apps!
    Reading Toward the Stars

    1. That is a great idea, Andrea! I hadn't thought about downloading the books into dropbox. Thank you so much for that idea!!

  3. No ipads for me or my classroom yet. I can see they have so much potential though. Someone the other day was sharing how their kids take pictures of their work and then add an audio explanation with ipads. I feel so behind. :)

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Tammy, I hope someday you get an iPad for your room. They really are great! So many possibilities.
