16 April 2017

Prove It To Me!

Using text evidence to prove answers

We've been reading folktales and learning how to prove our answers.  Since it is spring I decided to use Easter eggs to teach this skill.  

Using text evidence to prove answers

My students just love these stories!  There is something about them that appeals to kids over the years.  

Using text evidence to prove answers

After having read our folktales, it was time to pass around the egg basket.  I had typed up some events from the stories and placed them inside each each egg.

Using text evidence to prove answers

After deciding on the character trait for Goldilocks, each student chose and egg and decided if the event from the story proved the character trait or not.  

Using text evidence to prove answers

 Another group did the same thing only with the third pig from The Three Little Pigs.  Students read their strip of paper and if it proved the character trait, the paper was added to the anchor chart.  If it didn't prove it, the paper was tossed.
Folk Tale Anchor Chart

This is another anchor chart students can use to help them prove if a story is a folktale or not.

Using text evidence to prove answers

After practicing together to prove character traits, students can then prove whether a story is a folktale or not.

Using text evidence to prove answers

We try to use what we call Dollar Words on our anchor charts- words that are more descriptive and interesting.

STEM Little Pig House

After reading the Three Little Pigs, a fun STEM project is to try to build a strong house for the pigs that the wolf cannot easily blow over.  You can use a blow dryer or wave a thick piece of paper to test how the houses can withstand the wind.  

Using text evidence to prove answers

This Prove It To Me is a fun way to practice providing evidence from the text to prove your answers.  Click on the picture to check it out!

Folk Tales Resource

This folktale resource can be seen by clicking on the picture above.  

1 comment:

  1. I did a lot more close reading with kids this year than ever before. Annotating texts to help find proof was one of my goals. I know I can improve a lot in this area.
